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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. I'm in to fantasy, call me gay, so far I've read: Bernhard Hennen; the 'Elven' saga (these were ok) Markus Heitz; the Dwarven saga (these were ok, a bit far-fetched) Raymond Feist; Magician saga (10ish of the 20ish books) (better than LOTR and GOT combined, though LOTR did it first, so LOTR>all) Currently reading The Game of Thrones, which we all know, is awesome. I nearly finished the 2nd book. I also enjoy Tom Clancy's (spy/war related stuff) and historically correct'ish books like those from Valerio Massimo Manfredi (remember the horribly failed move 'The Last Legion'?
  2. I'm not much of a fan of the movie, I think I'm getting too old for this semi-soft bullshit. Some gore in the movie, but still pretty lame.
  3. I'll try to make some money, holiday to Greece, some festivals and I'm part of an introduction team of new students, so that's another week of heavy drinking.
  4. Ok, regarding the history of TRR, I'm not making a thread on the Farrah Abraham's tape, but GODDAMN IT IS GOOD.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      BGS was a pedophile.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      She doesn't look THAT good. Is it really good, or do you just like especially since she's a celeb? And have you seen it?

    4. Huygens


      I've seen it, and it's better because she's known from the telly, yes, still a decent movie I guess.

  5. I'm usually bored of a game within 30 minutes
  6. Do you really need an expensive mouse? Some of my mates that play FPS games pretty hardcore really try to convince me to buy a good mouse, but I don't really see the point
  7. Welcome man, I wasn't too excited about the footage either, but I'm sure the game will end up pretty good.
  8. Can't you just use a free IRC channel?
  9. Mehh...just mehhh....Im done with COD, think I'm going to switch to battlefield when the new one comes out.
  10. 4 is already happening to be honest, my body is pretty dry, except for my slight man boobs, caused by xeno-estrogen intake (plastic bottles etc.)
  11. I'm in Spirits of Arianwyn, just for the cc though, no events or whatever.
  12. Wow seriously, 1000 , I wonder how many people actively visit this forum, like 30ish?
  13. Why did my balls start to itch after seeing that picture?
  14. I heard Runescape is a pretty neat!
  15. Does Ireland have it's own language? Or just some accent, like the geordie shore guys?
  16. Not sure if joke or actually forgot to lock thread
  17. Pics or it didn't happen ->I have the ugliest facial hair ever. ->I speak German better than English. ->Hate girl on girl porn ->I'm 1.82m and weigh about 85 kgs and still manage to have a decent sixpack, imagine that. ->I prefer beer over liquor ->Been with the same girl for nearly 5 years ->Black ops 2 is the first campaign I actually finish before playing multiplayer since cod4 ->I actually like wine ->I'm Dutch and I don't do drugs :-) ->I'm on antibiotics at the moment, still allowed to drink a bit though.
  18. I hate the leveling system. And like stated earlier; fuck snow
  19. They get paid decently, because nobody wants to do it.
  20. Well, no...let's assume stupid people get stupid children, who will collect my garbage in 30 years?
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