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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Likes are better, when I see a good post I'd rather like it than give the person reputation. So if I see a bad post, should I hate him for it? Hm I dont think so.Like for the win
  2. Gratz dude! Why dont you train slayer btw?
  3. Hey clanmates! As March is coming to an end, we're looking forward to April. A new month, new chances for new staff members. A new chance to host awesome events and pull in some more recruits! And of course the first month with our new leader; Anarchy. But to have a proper ending for March, of course we need a member of the month! PM me your favorite and please do motivate why he/she should be chosen MOTM. Most votes win, nonetheless of motivation, just want to know why he/she has been chosen. You can't vote for: Fergal - January MOTM Huygens - February MOTM Ok, start voting and keep this topic bumped
  4. Congratulations ! Im sure you will do great!
  5. Its ok mate we still love you, get well soon!
  6. TRR has always been green as far as I can remember to be honest, we had this discussion a few weeks ago and I think most people wanted it to stay green, Im neutral tho, I dont really care, anything but yellow.
  7. Waaah I remember doing Monkey Madness as a lvl 60 pure with 1 defence, it was 100% hell but I guess it's ok when you're somewhat higher.
  8. Most of the staff is online quite a lot, we've got the most of the common playtime covered (meaning I'm from Europe and others might be from USA or in these case even Canadian). Forums are used quite often to be honest, I generally love the goals and achievements the most, although I remember I need to update mine. Ingame we usually have quite some members hanging in cc and events are organised regularly by Jamie.May I ask where you are from or at least what timezone you're in?
  9. Agreed, all the recent quests have quite a cool story and of course quests have great benefits, in the last place xp
  10. Gratz both! Time for some activity bitches
  11. Gratz you will do great, no doubt about that
  12. That or a really autistic person :)Cool update tho, Ive never done any tasks but they seem cool to me, its a future goal of mine so I can get some profit doing dailies
  13. Oh yeah lol Ive heard of tiger sharks outside of RS lol, Im actually studying Biology you know xD! Miscommunication 101
  14. uh im pretty sure we get a day, maybe 2 off, but i dont count that as a holiday ;p
  15. theres no such thing as commong knowledge in a game xD
  16. Probably because ive never done fish trawler ;p
  17. Have fun mate, I had some holiday in february and the next one is in may
  18. Yay thanks guys Im willing to run it next months, march nearly ends
  19. Going fast like a boss, you inspire me to get another 99 once I get all 65s
  20. Ah man, I really hope the forum stays online!
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