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Everything posted by Crazycow73

  1. Maybe I will get it soon, hopefully. I think it would be awesome to play with you guys!
  2. It is understandable, it's a you like it or you don't kind of game.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbdnlOzd1EYThis is the second war we had, no description yet, working on it.
  4. It is not Java, you need to download it, I am not entirely sure what they use. It is safe and won't hurt anything at all!
  5. Woohoo for fighting camera men. My first A+ EVER! Suck that second grade math teacher.Edit: Fixed video with intro and some special surprises within!
  6. So, I was thinking. We all know what happens when Crazycow thinks. Anyway, we should have a few awards dedicated more media based. We can have a set for the movies, say Spike Lee Award : 1 movie, M. Night Shyamalan Award: 2 movies, and George Lucas Award 3+? Something along those lines. I know a few people around here like to photoshop and have made some pretty cool signatures. That could also be another award, like Alfred Hitchcock: 5 signatures made or something like that. I also remember the Media team we had back in one of the old TRR forums, I don't remember which one, there has been like 2000. Maybe we can get another one going if we have some support?
  7. Thanks!Edit: I fixed the video, I added an intro, and a few special hints that might stir up those kids over in AL.
  8. AL Video up! Woohoo! Finished with a TRR intro too! Check out my Youtube Channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/CrazyCow73?feature=mhee

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Awesome crazy :) Good job! When we have a "War Reflection" topic posted, be sure to put up a post of the video in it please :)

  9. Dubstep is the shit. Flux Pavillion and Skrillex easily are the two best.
  10. I use to bot with RSBot, but it was only flax and stuff, I ended up getting it all scammed from me so I think Karma and I are even now.
  11. Congratulations T Ranger! You deserve it!
  12. So, to break in this new part of the forums, I decided, hey, why not with one of my favorite online games? For all those who have played DoTA before, there exists a full game around the same style of gameplay. League of Legends! Does anyone else in the clan play it? If you want to play, my username is Crazycow73 and I am level 30. My two mains are shaco and vladimir.
  13. Crazycow73


  14. I remember the time we went for the Kalphite Queen, that was so fun.
  15. Second Lieutenant if you count back when I was p2p, if not, just Sergeant Major. Total Level: 1200, I am pretty sure Indiana Jones, will check later. MOTM, I should get the council, Event coordinator, and Moderator, and Diplomat since I was all of those at one point.
  16. Five guys right down the road from me. Amazing. My friend works there so I get benefits. Got to love those friends with benefits.
  17. I remember Supermancav and that reminds me of a place in WoW where there were dead guys floating underwater and stuff. It was weird.
  18. I know it is hard for you to show your emotion in public. That's why I made a video of us way back when. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JldGp9M01bM
  19. Let's hear it for Oblivion and Skyrim! Skyrim is going to be AMAZING. So pumped for it. Bethesda deserves every award they get for the Elder Scroll Series. Beautifully made.
  20. Crazycow73


    I am highly into science and do not have a full belief in religion but I do believe in a higher power like Monopoly. I feel that the creation of the world and the tangible stuff are all from science but when it comes to luck and fate, I believe more into religion.
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