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Status Replies posted by Crazycow73

  1. Been playing LoL way too much. Its just better than RS Tenfold. My apologies for being absent recently. LoL is just too good. Add me if you are EU West - xTynisa

  2. Won't be around much today and tomorrow, irl stuff. :P

  3. TRR is THREE. What does this mean? I don't know, but here's some alcohol and cake.

  4. Today, November 3rd, 2011 -- a date which will live in infamy -- The Rebelz of RuneScape was suddenly and deliberately attacked by ranged and melee forces of Titans Revolution. I ask that the Council declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by TR on Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, a state of war has existed between The Rebelz and whatever n00bs try to stop our soon to be invincible war machine.

  5. I've called an emergency press conference over allegations that I've sexually harrassed women while they were under my employment. These allegations are completely true. I would like to publically apologize to Blexun for being a sexually harrassable woman. That is all.

  6. I'd like to thank all of the support I've recieved over the years, it's gone far in helping me attain my current position. To think mere weeks ago I was nothing more than a passion-filled drunken romance, climaxing with a broken condom, it's amazing that I'm nearly TRR's 2011 MotY. January, 2012, my friends! RSN Bot uber alles!

  7. NOES. My BNC finally pinged. Where's my halfop now David? :(

  8. Hope i get in this clan otherwise i done all this shit for nothing

  9. looking for any guys to cyber. i am 17./f/ny with tight poonani

  10. I bet this status will recieve 10 likes.

  11. Its so fking hot in here..

    1. Crazycow73


      Timber, when did you get here?

  12. Killed a total of 600 crazycow73's today! :D

    1. Crazycow73


      Thank god for respawns.

  13. My father is in the hospital, please pray for him

  14. TRAAG Corporation has grown by 260% since it was established. Hope you bought early!

    1. Crazycow73


      I have my hand in 20 stocks. You better not fail me.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. The more trophies i win, the more awesome I am, yet the more it shows that my childhood i had no life and just played games constantly :P 9 TROPHIES!

  16. Crazy, just watched the war vid-- it's goddamn brilliant. Awesome song choice.

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