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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. Use one of the methods mentioned above and buy highly traded items for 5% under and sell for 5% over, you make 10% of your gp every merch
  2. Event Title Date: June 4, 2012 Location: Gamers' Grotto just north of Falador Notes: Planned this minigame so we can get rune beserker shields for warring, they are the best f2p shields. Here is a link to Fist of Guthix if you don't know what it is. Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th] 9:00 P.M. [/td] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 4:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] 1:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.
  3. Hi. If you would like to have an event planned, reply with the event you want along with a Date, time(time zone also), and world. Also, please be there if you requested the event. Here is a list of all (or most) of events. F2P Events [*]Cockroaches [*]City Burning [*]F2P Pkay Trip [*]F2P Skill n Chill [*]TRR Recruiting [*]F2P Questing [*]F2P Clan Wars [*]F2P Fist of Guthix [*]F2P Dungeoneering [*]Duel Arena Tourney [*]Great Orb Project [*]Junk Drop [*]Hide n Seek P2P Events [*]Castle Wars [*]P2P Clan Wars [*]Boss hunting; Gwd, Kalphite Queen, Chaos Elemental, KBD, Giant Mole, Corp [*]P2P Pkay Trip [*]P2P Clan Wars [*]Pest Control [*]Barrows [*]Rev Hunting [*]Dragon Hunting; Metal Drags, Dragon's in Taverly, Mithril Drags, Green Drags [*]P2P Skill n Chill [*]TRR Recruiting [*]P2P Dungeoneering [*]Conquest [*]Barbarian Assault [*]Duel Arena Tourney [*]House Party [*]Fight Pits [*]Evil Tree's, Shooting Star's, Fish Flinger's [*]Fishing Trowler [*]Map Race (with checkpoints) [*]Soul Wars [*]Dungeon Raids Bump, the simpleness of you requesting an event helps the clan out by putting more events on the calendar.
  4. Wish my goals thread looked this good, lol. Don't have the time nor effort to do all that
  5. If you get attack first strength will be faster to train because of accuracy.
  6. Good luck man 80 all combat is also my goal
  7. Bump, guys please use irc. Much better than clan chat
  8. Only said that because Jamie said Runetracker website wasnt working
  9. Take a screenshot the upload it to a browser media gallery and it should Have a 'link for forums' bar after you upload it. One good media gallery is Photobucket.
  10. Just use irc, it goes through runetracker. For example, .track Cruelintakez ..... and it does it for week for a month or so or a certain amount of days its @days or @month
  11. Gotcha, maybe a mod will move itEdit: Fixed the format
  12. Event: Bonfire Amount of People Attended: 5 Who In TRR had Attended: Me, ressurrection, and destiny,ismaeli and trr daniel Special Guests:None Notes: 60 Firemaking, Destiny got 90 later on =p destiny : enjoyed getting level 90 firemaking event was fun and trr daniel and ismaeli turned up after 911 logged thankyou for those tht came Pictures: destinys pictures : Uploaded with ImageShack.us destiny , res, 911 Uploaded with ImageShack.us me and ismaeli wen he turned up Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us ismaeil ran out of logs Uploaded with ImageShack.us daniel turned up to event
  13. Guys please just call me jakerout or jake or jacob lol 9 11 is just my current runescape name
  14. I fucking love it im 4000 in SND on xbox
  15. Street price has already gone from 2m to 4-5m since it got removed from uncommon slot. Edit: 8m street price today
  16. Doesn't really matter take it away if ya want.
  17. I was a member for a year+ w/o absence
  18. Can I request clan veteran? Joined in 08 or 09.
  19. Jacob

    Clan Citadel

    Everything is capped for this week.
  20. I'm using Red Chinchompas on skeletons in Ape Atoll dungeon. Fastest range xp in game.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjcpbTc1Qdc There is a youtube guide for it. Expensive though. I got this and ran out of chins so i'm currently doing a bunch of stuff for better herb runs and fishing to almost 99(unless i get bored of it) and then chin to almost 99 then have a party =D Update: Thinking about switching to monkfish as rocktails are taking entirely too long and I have done swan song. Also, have been getting sidetracked. Did a bunch of tasks sets and getting 70 farming/75 hunt/64 herblore (complete) for Juju farming potions. Gonna keep ya updated with more screenies as I didn't for like 10 ranging levels lol.
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