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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. 93 Range btw, forgot to post screenies of those so I figured I wouldn't the whole way. Won't be but a few days to 99. Not sure if i'm gonna have a party or not. Might get fish along with it IDK yet
  2. Goals as of now [*]99 Fishing (94 of 99) [*]99 Ranged (97 of 99) [*]65/70 Farming [*]51/75 Hunter [*]70 all skills (Construction, Dungeoneering, Herblore, Thieving, Crafting, Hunter, Hunter, Firemaking, Woodcutting, Farming, Summoning) ​Completed/Long term goals [*]80/80 Prayer [*]80/80 Magic [*]80/99 Runecrafting [*]71/99 Agility [*]80 All combat levels (Strength, Attack, and Summoning) ​ Will keep you updated with pictures and what not Edit
  3. Nice man i'm goin for 99 fish and 99 range at the moment if you need someone to boss hunt with you i'm always down.
  4. Jacob

    Clan Citadel

    how do i know when i'm off citadel probation?
  5. Hahahahahahaha this shit made my day I indeed used to use the n word a lot not in the racist sense though. Please change all the jaker-out's in there to jakerout thank you it's jake-rout if you wanna put a dash in there. I like how you described me a southerner fond of the n word. Makes me picture myself of a fatass with a dale jr. hat drinking a Budweiser with a dip in. As far as BH, No Jamie that clan did not fail from what I remember I thought it was pretty damn cool we got a lot of members then I think you quit and then I quit and I guess it fell apart
  6. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? 9 11s a lie Your RuneScape account's... Total Level:1697 F2P/P2P:p2p Combat:106 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? TRR, and a clan with Jamie I forgot the name of it Where did you hear about TRR? Cant remember What were your first impressions of us? cool Why do you wish to join our clan? Because this was the clan i've mostly been in while i've played runescape
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