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Carroll 1

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Everything posted by Carroll 1

  1. I received a Dragon Cerimonial breastplate today. cannot accept the item until i am a member though.
  2. i just started the post. The post's "date" is tba for a reason =p
  3. Date: TBAWhere: World 64, Someone's home hopefullyWhat: well i havent really decided yet but i plan on hitting 99 firemaking in the presence of many Trr members. Any ideas please let me know. Hoping for a big turn out!!! The day i know ill hit 99 i will be obtaining a membership from a very good "friend" of mine so everyone be ready!!!!
  4. Carroll 1


    sooo sad. dont get sucked into that "pathetic-ness"
  5. i'm sorry my terminology wasnt fit to your standards, thanks for the info
  6. you know what Karma, i actually trained in the art of "ninjitsu" under an ex marine for 3 months. It really helped me get in shape. True story
  7. right on dude, good luck!!! be sure to go to the topic and request your forum awards!
  8. You must watch a lot of porn. LOL Jkin!
  9. Runescape name: Resurr3ctionReal life name: AndrewFacebookpage: http://www.facebook.com/andrewhcAre TRR members allowed to add you?: I suppose, but please be descrete about what my personal life is, its not that im ashamed or anything, its just my personal life, so i keep things to myself. Also Identify yourself if you add meAge:20Country+timezone:Canada, Atlantic standard timeSchool/University/Work:James M Hill Memorial Highschool/Miramichi Community college (Electrical)Hobbies: Runescape, Drinking, Spending time with the girlfriendSports: I play none competively, but enjoy watching :Boxing, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Golf# Years you have been playing RS: 7-8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: since 2008, but was inactive for quite a whileWhat you usually do when playing RS: Firemaking
  10. I won't be very active for the next 2 days coming but I hope to get "94" within those 2 days
  11. 93 firemakingEdit~94 firemakingEdit~95 firemaking
  12. congratz, i shared this moment with you! (No Homo)
  13. thanks guys Got this with my good friend Puns =)
  14. Image (provide link): Colour: black background Main Text: Resurr3ction Main Text Colour: green (lighter then normal but enough to offset the black) Subtext (if any): The Runescape Rebelz Subtext Colour (if any):same as main text TRR Logo OR ES Logo [pick one] (yes/no): Trr logo, yes Additional Comments: i hope you do a great job =)
  15. disturbing, who pays to play online, when the internet bill comes each month XD
  16. on a side note, props to me and Tcee from Constanci0 =)
  17. gj on 79, and the attempts to recruit (i see the chatbox)
  18. gratz mono, happy to have you on the "hierarchy"
  19. you killed the end of it!!, made me smile mono, gj!
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