Runescape name: Resurr3ctionReal life name: AndrewFacebookpage: TRR members allowed to add you?: I suppose, but please be descrete about what my personal life is, its not that im ashamed or anything, its just my personal life, so i keep things to myself. Also Identify yourself if you add meAge:20Country+timezone:Canada, Atlantic standard timeSchool/University/Work:James M Hill Memorial Highschool/Miramichi Community college (Electrical)Hobbies: Runescape, Drinking, Spending time with the girlfriendSports: I play none competively, but enjoy watching :Boxing, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Golf# Years you have been playing RS: 7-8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: since 2008, but was inactive for quite a whileWhat you usually do when playing RS: Firemaking