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Carroll 1

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Everything posted by Carroll 1

  1. im sure the longevity of the dilliberation was enough comfort to have made your discissions with the council!
  2. gj destiny, keep up the good work
  3. The orignal turnout! a few of us Rebelz burning some logs at our weekly bonfire With a new addition to the clan "XisaacsjX" with the 2h
  4. congratz Tc!!! happy for you, well deserved!
  5. ty guys, let the recruiting begin to clear things up my rs name is "Resurr3ction" =)
  6. i liked legend of dragoon series
  7. its fine jamie, i dont mind being excluded.
  8. i had a strong feeling that's how it worked, as Blexun said i could take screen shots. Although i do see how it could complicate admin'ing this event, therefore, i retract my entry for this event, on the grounds that it would be more hassle then it should be.
  9. i took a look at my firemaking thread, and both the date and time are visable, so i do believe it will work out
  10. ikno right? blex has always had a great sense of humour hit lvl 91 with a few fellow Trr members, failed on getting the "Trr" at the correct time though on a side note, i'd like to say i'd also like to have 100 cb lvl (currently 95 f2p) if anyone has any sugguestions as to where i should train my cb skills, feel free to post So i'm halfway there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. you have some really good stats, keep it up Mono
  12. imo the greens good to start off with before the hotels and homes show up
  13. thats a great idea, i can do that
  14. world 100 is p2p, im f2p. I was at fally to meet Jamie. ty Mono, its been my dream since me and blex started that competition SO long ago yes blex, are you 99 fming yet? should we continue our competition we started back in the day if your not 99 yet??there is you get 135 xp per burning in a line using maples. where as when you add to a fire, even by yourself i was earning 168xp per log, although i do seem to think it's sort of based upon your firemaking level because previously i was earning 161 xp per maple log when i was lower. you get 1 extra xp per person adding a log as well Edit - Broke Rule II.2 (Spamming Section) Please read over our rules. Clan & Forum Rules
  15. how does it do so if i can not be found on highscores.
  16. tbh im pretty eager myself, it was a great read so far!
  17. i'd like to participate, but the thing is i'm f2p, and don't see how i'll be tracked.
  18. the fact i got served a subpeona for court in 2 months time, for something that happened a year ago
  19. i do remember big nugget, and i thought i was right to assume Mindmyskillz was an account
  20. Wow TY mono, it was a very good read considering i was inactive for most of that period."Together, we formed the epic IRC channel #mindmyskillz" am I not correct when i say there was someone with that account name for rs? Shampooninja after the League of Evil episode was coming to a finish had faked his soon coming death which lead to all of us feeling great turmoil at the time. We later discovered it was all a charade, and some of us led to dispise Shamp for that reason.a few things i can remember from nov '08-about april/mayish of '09 are as follows:Crazy cow had a big contribution towards events, and the overall morale back then. Events for the most part we based 50/50 on f2p and p2p, because we had such a great recruitment team (Traagien being the overall base of it) and treated people more fairly, everyone was such great friends, no matter who was in the cc. Forums were very active and was always encouraged (a huge variety of topics/ideas created via cc and Irc. Traagien and Illz we're the leaders at the time, blue speed, was a member of the council (could have been "high" but least to say council nonetheless).our cw was at a very high issue for us, there were some including myself who went frequently (maybe 3-4 times a week) just to have fun. I felt as though Trr was a great atmosphere at that time (nor do i exclude my current time as being anything less). I remember PkTh4Tn3l5oN had good relations during my tenure, so long ago". Kod Ranger was the dick of the clan, always screwing with everyone (sometime to an offensive level) but at certain times he was pleasent to talk to.I have a terrible memory, but these are a few things that jogged in my memory while reading this thread. Trr's been through good and bad, but even after this time, It still stands a strong wall. Some people stayed to enjoy this while others walked the other way around thissorry if this seems like spam but i feel as though this is part of our history to the past
  21. got my 89 firemaking while waiting for jamie
  22. 89.pnggot my 89 firemaking while waiting on Jamie to return
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