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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. nice job dude. this helps me out some... i didnt really see in the guide but i heard that once you get the 8 masks together they can be combined into a "super mask" of some sort... is this so and how would one go about such
  2. sittin her applying for jobs online.. wooo fun stuff

  3. im gonna go with the skyrim line cause time travel = awesome and it sums everything up... but it is indeed a very hard decision to make sadly oblivion shall stil reign on
  4. sittin in school bored. someone get online damnit haha

  5. sittin in school bored. someone get online damnit haha

  6. my character is a dark elf something like this. not quiet level 50 though. around 46 right now. havent played in a long time
  7. i doubt this will be helpful but i just bought up a bunch of supplies and made a whole bunch of shit at one time. my smithing is high enough to make dragon armor now and it didnt take me long to do so
  8. CarnivalofSoulz

    Skyrim Geography

    yea i kinda agree with Blexun...looks more like iceland...
  9. wtf am i looking at... so confused haha
  10. so i guess im completely lost on the story line. i really need to catch up
  11. eh lose the gun and itd be pretty kickass.... but yet not the assasins creed i remember seeing
  12. kick that bitches ass...... seriously... my god man that is the ultimate sin... beat the man but the ps3? by the gods....
  13. oh... and btw... what is with the redneck boobs....
  14. im depressed... i have no idea what to blog about or even how to...help????? plz......somebody....
  15. CarnivalofSoulz

    Dungeon Crawling

    yea makes no sense right
  16. CarnivalofSoulz


    i liked it Traaginen not to worry haha
  17. CarnivalofSoulz


    baha how does this not actually happen makes no sense
  18. CarnivalofSoulz


    most of the time adept as well but i guess im kindof a pussy guys i change down alot sad face
  19. CarnivalofSoulz


    o.O thats kinda strange.. and yea sometimes i wonder what they were thinking when they gave you the option to wait.. so thats what happens in between... ever loaded and seen three ppl in front of you... priceless haha
  20. CarnivalofSoulz


    the giant semi looks like Jesus... lol
  21. hahahahahaha yea thats pretty great, i have often wonderd what some of the shouts mean... but then again parothrenax the dragon actaully tells you a few words so
  22. never thought of it that way... good point.. and wanker indeed lolz
  23. CarnivalofSoulz

    Over Encumbered

    damn guys relax... ur clearly both wrong... jk but i am kinda sidin with Blexun on this one.. they dont use their hands and using the force wouldnt have overencumberd you soo... but guys its a comic tryig to prove a valid point so.... yea funny funny haha i liked it lolz
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