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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. haha yea its pretty rough. i love riding horses though
  2. i think its a sport.. i ride horses.. i trail ride and i show jump some and i also ride broncos, and if you think it isnt physically demanding i would ask you how many times you have riden? because i can tell you this much, u gotta move with the motions of the horse and when you ride for a feew hours and you get off that horse youre gonna be sore as fuck... it takes all your muscles to stay on let alone to keep up with moving.. yea.. even upper body muscles.. yea the horses do more work... but if you think its so easy, jump on a horse and we shall see well theres my opinion
  3. got a good thing goin, its a beautiful day, fav song on the radio and got some cash in my pocket. life is good :)

    1. Jake


      My life just so happens to be picking up at the same time. My teachers are beginning to like me more, my grades are at a tolerable level, and my friends bought me Dragon's Dogma as a "just because" gift. Life is good.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      ive heard of that game... any good? thought about gettin it.

    3. Jake


      My parents only let me play on the weekends so I can focus on schoolwork, so I've only played it a bit. I have enjoyed what I've played though. Something interesting is that you have to exercise common sense. In a game like Skyrim, you can cut through the woods as a shortcut. In Dragon's Dogma, doing that will get you ambushed, and probably killed, by bandits. It's a cool concept.

  4. well wrks goin good, cars running better. got a new bf. things are startin to pick up guys.

  5. yea im currently having to do an essay on the fellowship of the ring for my english class and its a pretty good read.. basically it just tells you that bilbo was forced by gandalf to give the ring up to frodo and the whole story is about him and his best freind sam walking to have it destroyed. but agreed, the second and third books were alot better. great story though cnt wait to see the Hobbit
  6. start my job today lol its raining like hell today and its supposed to flood tonight while im at work and this is bad because i own horses and all that to evacuate... eeeeesssshhhh

  7. been a rough week. start my job Tuesday though. wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      well blexun is close... im a host/i wrap the food and put it in the bags lol tis chik fil a... personally i dont agree with their veiws at all and i have gauges and all that shit so idk why the hired me but hey its money and for that i am grateful

    3. Blake


      I've worked in a similar situation and just come to accept it's okay if you don't agree with the company. I eat at Chick Fil A like everyday and their delicious chicken trumps their views on homosexuality.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      yea i will admit the foods good haha

  8. this is gonna be so epic i cannot wait. this video sucked but im still excited
  9. wooo darksiders 2 looks good. ill be getting it
  10. kickass party, new boyfreind, got a job and my car fixed at the same time. been a flippin kickass week lol

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      glad to hear things are getting better for ya

    2. Jake


      Does your new boyfriend game at all?

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      thanks dude. and yea squishy he does but hes only got a ps2 right now. so hell i guess hell be playin on my xbox when he comes over if i ever get live haha

  11. holy shit... and i always thought i was the perverted one
  12. well. that was the best damn party EVER lol.

    1. Jake


      Please tell me they had Fritos. You can't have the best party ever without Fritos.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      i dont remember. lmfao... i think... they did,... hmmm. but it was still awesome either way lol

  13. gettin my party on this saturday. yeeeeeeeehaaaawwwwwww lol

  14. well. my so called ex fiance has officially moved on. shows how much he cares. jokes on him though. ive had a boy freind since the day he left. well. technically

    1. Jake


      No offense, but it sounds like the joke's on you. Move on with your life.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol its a joke well played. it got both of us. and i have moved on. lol

  15. "ive got a reputation goin round.. i aint never been the kind to back down, ive thrown a punch or two and gave a few black eyes, but Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night"

  16. been a good day... talking to a guy that might to into a relationship.. just gna take time first to get over the last prick.. and still secretly hopin he comes back.. but im not depressed anymore so we good

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nathan


      Lots of famous people are suspected to have/had it (Einstein, Da Vinci, Bill Gates, just to name a few)

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      oh... omg i feel like a dick now :( and squishy this doesnt mean you be "forever alone" theres someone for ya somewhere

    4. Nathan
  17. yea i feel ya there. i log in every day and i see nothing new as far as new posts
  18. been a good day so far.. i intend to keep it that way... if he comes back thats awesome if he dont then thats his problem.. ive done all i can

  19. wishin like hell i could just fade away

  20. didnt get back together with my fiance but he said we could be freinds.. when i asked for a second chance he said "not right now" and also something about how he needed to be alone for awhile so i told him i would be waiting no matter how long it took.. he said we would hang out until then.. just hope he doesnt move on to someone else..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tcee


      Soo sorry to hear hun :c *hugs* Take time to heal and try to stay positive! <3

    3. Jake


      This clan feels like a family. I'm so glad we can share our personal lives with each other.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      thank you for being there for me guys... it really means alot...

  21. ill have to agree with squishy i dont see how this would even be possible
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