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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. i couldnt even see the pic for some reason my computer is that gay and being attacked by a vampire is the only way? damn... and im already a werewolf but i wanna be a vampire... now what?
  2. giving up console gaming??? but why? lol i gave up on ps3 because of the yellow light of death and the all together sucking of PSN
  3. yea im still tryin to figure it out... but this also means i have something to do when i get home. haha
  4. i understand how you feel... i used to have a ps3... i also used to have a simular problem... buy a game put it in not like it and boom u got a trophy list there that u cant delete... drives me nuts too.. and i dont know why
  5. omg thats terrible... she kinda looks like a leprichan.... poor Lydia lol
  6. ..... ? ... haha yea thats prettty scary
  7. ah my bad dude... sorry about my stupidity
  8. wow... i love south park haha and i can see why your parents hate the show... mine do too but im 17 what they gonna do i have my own tv in my room lol
  9. yea i knew about the bear traps it comes in handy and is funny as hell to watch. and i knew about the dark brotherhood ritual.... but the rest of this no i had no idea... especially about the dragon and the lantern... thats a big wtf... haha
  10. once again im sittin at school bored... anyone wanna chat?

  11. ah really... that sucks... good thing i forgot to do that when i got home haha
  12. guys i got a dumb question... does anyone know about a patch for skyrim to where you can have kids?
  13. i wish i would have saw this before i got married in skyrim... could not find a male dark elf to marry.. and kina have a crush on Athis but didnt know i could marry him... well... looks like in killin my virtual husband haha
  14. nice guide dude. id never be able to put something like that together.... and i have a question maybe someone can answer... yea.. i have alot of those... what does shadowmere have to do with leveling? sorry im stupid
  15. im thinkin you should reveiw inFamous 2 and Dragon Age 2....... by the way has anyone heard anything about the South Park game that is supposed to be comin out? i heard its been put off till 2013
  16. youve never played skyrim?!?!? do you have any idea what your missing lol also did not now about this patch.... im guessin download it from xbox live? how mush will this cost me?
  17. sittin here listening to Lamb of God and tryin to find someone to talk to me

    1. Tcee


      I'm super late, but hello!

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      hello to you too haha

  18. yea xbox is bad for this but i think youll be fine because its ps3 and thats one of their few upsides haha
  19. oh by the way... forget disney... DEATH METAL all the way
  20. omfg i hate ppl that wear those stupid jordan sandels with socks.... grrr... indeed kids these days are retarded.. and you know whats sad.. im currently 17... plz dont let me fall into this genre of retardation..... btw i agree with this blog 100 percent... hands down
  21. inFamous:Festival of Blood. 1. because inFamous is awesome 2. cause that just sounds badass
  22. ok you guys are talking about joing the 8 masks right? few questins for you then... 1. how do you "join" them....2. what happens when they do combine.....3. where... where do you do this?
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