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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. man it's cold as shit in the shop today....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      we dont have heating. and even if we did they leave all 6 shop doors open

    3. Tynisa


      Why would you do this to yourself!?

      Buy a heater.

      >.> ;;; d:P

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      not the boss bro lmao

  2. awww... thats a rather sad story Traag.... im sorry *hugs*
  3. omg im so sorry to hear that... i hope everything goes well for you and i hope the medicine isnt rough on ya.. that really sucks man... i support ya, if you need someone to talk to hit me up
  4. Gotta go to my freinds funeral tonight... wish me strength

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tcee
    3. CarnivalofSoulz
    4. Jake


      I remember when my uncle died. His funeral was one of the only times I cried because of sorrow. Besides that one time, I only really cry from frustration.

  5. CarnivalofSoulz

    Day 1

    well hey there. i look forward to reading your stuff and all, and dont feel bad. ive been a member for a good bit and ive never blogged :/
  6. CarnivalofSoulz

    Drunken Bear Fight

    take that son!!!! yeaaaa.. i showed you... RUNNNN
  7. well. its been a rough start to the day already and i havent even got to wrk yet. goood times gooooood times. but on the brighter side.. its getting closer to the 31st

    1. Jake


      What are you dressing up as? I'm considering Caius Ballad:


    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      its complicated. ima go as basically what looks like a gorey demented doll. gonna have a full bullet holes made outta latex on my head and some blood runnin outta my eyes and ima be in shorts and fishnets. fun, deffinately should be interesting

  8. Bah i love this time of year, the leaves falling and such... only 27 mores days till the best holiday ever!

    1. Jake


      Wrong, my birthday isn't for another 7 months.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz
  9. well hello there...nice to meet ya, i dont play runescape but i look forward to hearing from ya in the forums here
  10. ah hell Blexun beat me to that joke also i am completey useless squishy i have no idea how to hlp except for make sarcastic and smartass comments
  11. baahh its been a long day, after wrk im gonna play some guitar and play some xbox lol

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      yea.. i make ALOT of typos lmfao. glad i amuse you lol :P

    3. Tynisa


      Ahalrious isnt just a typo. Its like the king of all typos.

      This is not a bad thing. Please do this more. I like this.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol well im sure i will lmao

  12. your gonna say that a high jump doesnt have enough physical exertion to be a sport? im pretty sure that doin a high jump isnt that simple dude... my guess that it would take alot of energy to do that because you wrk almost all your muscels to do so
  13. i love all the attention topics like this bring lol rather entertaining to read lol
  14. lmao yea ive been riding since i was 5 years old so ive never really been scared of um. they arent that bad haha just gotta get used to um
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