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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. guys im gonna go ahead and piss you all off then... i actuallly like the original cods better thaqn the new ones... yea the ones for ps2... the big red one is a pretty good one and i like the very first one as well... but if i had to pick out of the new ones it would either be black ops because of zombies and the online and mw3
  2. sittin here, bored at school... tomorrows the last day, no internet at y house so might not be on here for a long time :( i shall say my short term goodbyes now... but i shall be back soon

    1. Tcee


      We look forward to your return! But horray, no more school! :]

    2. Jake


      My school year ended a week ago. I bought three games the day before the last, and I wasn't even finished with the ones I owned. This is going to be one heck of a summer.

  3. showin my brother how to use this site lolz

    1. cheekychips


      Potential new member?

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      potential new member indeed. that is if he can verify his email when he gets home, school has yahoo blocked... talk about gay

  4. CarnivalofSoulz

    Bag The Hag

    HAHAHAHAHAHA thats pretty funny
  5. well i now have orientation for my job. ugggggh this is gonna take all day.... but i get paid for it so its w.e

  6. alright interveiw went well they are bringin me back to the next part and are seriously considering hirin me. woot

  7. i cant belive it... noones said pikachu yet....and id upload an awesome pic like you guys but my computers an ass and so is my motherf***ing teacher so
  8. forget dragon armor Daedric all the way dudes.... all my stuff is Daedric
  9. lmfao.... enough said
  10. OMFG ...... a glitch to the knee... thats great.. and as for that.. no clue what to tell you there.... ive saved during glitches and yea it never really worked. from now on make multiple saves (i have like 5) that away if i screw up a quest or the game glitches i dont have to start all the way over and im not too far from where i was at.
  11. well todays my interview... tired back hurts, but the good news is i get my car back today,.... yeah the door fell off... yea...

    1. Jamie


      Good luck with the interview!

    2. Tcee


      Good luck! Let us know how it went :]

  12. neve finished A Return to Your Roots and barely remember Hard Answers,, sorry dude wish i could help you
  13. got a job interveiw at walmart tomorrow.... finally!!!! wish me luck i need this job

    1. Jake


      Good luck.

    2. Blake


      I'm pretty sure you just have to show up and pass a drug test

    3. Blake


      I'm pretty sure you just have to show up and pass a drug test

  14. ps2 was kinda like that but it was differnet because it had a memory card. like i said my ps3 got the yellow light of death and i never knew much about all the harddrive stuff and all.... so i suppose it would be worth a shot but hopefully he doesnt delete all his stuff.. id laugh... cry and feel horrible and then feel upmost sincere pity because that would suck...balls...
  15. i played saints row 2 so many times its ridiculous... havent played the third yet but im pumped
  16. yea but isnt there a chance of accidently deleting everthing... my luck id delete all my save and shit... or all of my trophies.. id be pissed
  17. interesting... i never really thought of that... i always wondered how they set that up though
  18. you know what kind of pisses me off about all this... its so hard to choose which side to go with...go with the storm cloaks and youre racist go with the imperial legion and you are a banning someones religion... so its like ugh... i went with the legion because 1. im a dark elf and 2. i figure they can beat the religion thing on their own but nonetheless its like wtf and i have no idea why this is double spacing... cant figure out how to change it back... i hate being a noob
  19. alrighty then. theyve been giving me random ass jobs and the "quests" are under the misc category in my inventory thingy so im guessin im done with it....
  20. sittin here with my guitar lookin at it tryin to decide wether to play it or not

    1. Tcee


      Electric or acoustic?:] Definitely play!

    2. Jake


      The time you wasted posting this could have been spent playing :P

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      i play both :P but i was talkin about my bc rich warlock :) and indeed squishyman this is a good point haha.

  21. how do i know when ive competed the companions questline? right now they are just giving me random bs things like go kill this bear in this cave or talk to Farkes and take him to kill this dragon...
  22. missin my family in new york like crazy.. they a 10 hour drive from me... wont see um again till next yr... :(

  23. good deal... and to show how big of a newb i am... i didnt know they had assasins creed for the 360.. thought it was a ps3 only game... like what they did with god of war.. damn i miss that game
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