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Everything posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. thats some pretty crazy stuff right there guys... and Blexun you'll be happy to know i read the whole thing... rather disturbed...
  2. just sayin i went and saw a production of this and i didnt know what to think about it lol. im gonna say i enjoyed it i guess lol
  3. id love to apply to one of these fine positions but the only place i have internet is when im at school and my school has these damn internet blockers.. so.. yea.. i wouldnt be of much help then
  4. yea the only goood part of the song is when he says "gangnam style" and the course but other than that eeeesssshhhh.. i happen to find the video fucking halarious.. just saying.. i persnally have no problems with gangnam style so yea... oh and by the way i can do the dance like theres no tomorrow. helll yeah son
  5. Only 8 more days till Halloween... hurrah party party!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      geeez... lol i invite about 12 people to 15 people and we sit back and watch youtube on the big screen and drink whatever they bring cause its always BYOB, and after the youtube we play some Street Fighter X Tekken and some Mortal Combat against each other

    3. Jake


      How do you fit that many people into your TV room?

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      its not easy.. besides its rare for all of us to be in there at the same time.. usually everyone runs everywhere and does whatever haha. welcome to country dude... usually our party starts takin a few jacked up trucks through the moutains and mudd boggin and when it gets dark camp out or come back to the house and do whatever, i love it

  6. eh heres my list: LotR Ted The Hunger Games (oh yea.. went there) Hannibal Rising (love that movie with a passion) Silence of the Lambs Gothica 21 Jump Street, etc
  7. ahhhh JD and coke.... hell yeah *high five*
  8. CarnivalofSoulz


    awww i love horses.. what kind is he? i ride Tennessee Walkers and Quarters
  9. beautiful dog... malmute or husky?
  10. dark sites! it fits our theme better anyway... besides i hate light colors lol
  11. indeed, never got to play the original game so yea... and i cant get away from playing as a dark elf, tried everything else and just cant do it.. :/
  12. The Skyrim DLC sounds awesome, cant wait for this to happen if this is true,... the riding dragons part is what got my attention, dunno why that wasnt in the game in the first place....
  13. Halloween's coming up... what are you guys gonna be/do??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cheekychips


      Good point, i didnt even think about the PSY one

    3. Dy3nasty666


      prolly slenderman, mainly because im 6'1 and only 120 pounds >.<

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      agreed squishy i wanna see pictures of costumes lol

  14. "Because fuck you, that's why"...... ah Traag ur awesome lmao
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