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Posts posted by Tcee

  1. This event is tomorrow, please check the time chart above for your personal timezone.

    We'd love to have as many members of TRR join in on this safe event!

    Spread the word in the CC, invite friends, and most of all.. Have fun! :3


    Not sure if I'll be able to attend; Drs Appt at 2:40, not sure how long it will take.

  2. This forum is supposed to be for people who are leaving the clan for a definite or short, indefinite amount of time (up to a month or so). If you're quitting RuneScape or leaving for another clan, please PM the Clan Leader or another Council+ member.

    Thanks for following the instructions!

    ^ Just in case you might not know. ^

    I wont be active in the cc if I'm online during the next few weeks. But PM should be on.

    Forums are my home mostly, easy to access anywhere and usually a good laugh posted daily; So I'll be here.

    This is a bit late.. But I'm sorry I couldn't keep my role as a Diplomat, I tend to be a perfectionist and if I can't give 100%, then I'd feel as though I'd be failing TRR. I have great confidence in Deathirst & Coo1 (when he returns) to keep up with Recruiting. Its tough, but the payout is great.

    {If you think you might be a good fit for Staff, I urge you to give it a try. TRR needs some dedicated, helpful members to step up and take care of the cc/forums.}

    Well, I guess we'll see what happens after Parker gets here. Can't say if I'll be in TRR, move on, or play RS at all.

    But for now, some s p a c e would be best. Enjoy your weekend guys n gals.


  3. Apparently Robb, Lady Stark, Daenerys, and the Wildling girl were at Comic-Con this year ;o I feel so left out.Can't believe how this last season ended; OMGOMGOMG. Even forgot to post about it here xD

  4. While it saddens me to see you go, I understand your reasoning, even if I don't personally agree with them, they are *your* reasons.I applaud you for standing up for what you believe is right and moving on when some members in this clan have different interests than your own.Thank you for the fun times we shared, you are a nice friend I would like to keep :] Best of luck, m'dear<3

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  5. Its only mandatory to join forums if they want Corporal rank in cc, right?Fansite forum users usually dont mind registering here, but I agree: in-game recruits tend to be cautious. Can't blame them.

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