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Posts posted by Tcee

  1. Am I the only one a little weirded out about full on animal outfits?Like, fox/dragon/unicorn etc masks were alright, kinda cute. But a full on tail coming out of my bum? A little creepy..Also.Tired of all this SoF crap. It was cool when they offered bits of xp, gp, and some nice pieces of armour. But the pendants and outfits/cosmetic stuff take up a ton of room after so long. Soon, you'll need to stop by Solomon to *IRL-purchase* more bank space. No, I don't buy spins, just thinking long-term.I'm getting caught up on RS news and just getting frustrated with it all -.-

  2. II. Spamming

    [*]Make your posts meaningful, and do not post brief comments such as "lol," "nice," "cool/awesome or _________ is cool," or "10/10."

    [*]Do not double-post (post twice in a row in the same topic). Instead, please edit your posts with updated content (you can post the time with the new content which was posted to inform other members that it was updated).

    [*]Exception with Goals and Achievements Forum. Double post in a thread must be at least 12 hours apart. If not, edit the post.

    [*]Exception with Community Events Forum. A double post may be only used for cancellation of an event.

    [*]Do not post "Bump" or a meaningless post for the sole sake of raising a topic's position in the forum index.

    Daniel, post more than 1 word, new post could have recent achievement ("Just got 96 fish" ?). Cons, This topic hasn't been posted on in over 2 months, a bump wont kill anyone.

    I think that covers the bases.


    DANiel, I want to play RS more, but it's hard to find a good time. Once things fall into more of a routine, I'll think about it, haha. Til then, loving this precious time with my babes :3


    Edited - Cons didn't give warning.

  3. Sounds like a good spot, or even under that, where the War Record is. Since we don't war (at least, not at this time), the record could be moved to the spot under the 'Information' drop downs, perhaps?OR the Citadel could have its own little content box above 'Recent Gallery Images' on the right hand side.

  4. So happy to see the Citadel is back to normal!

    Is there a way we can get a sort of countdown on the TRR forums to match up when the Citadel is going to be reset? And, also list the #of resources needed? Can put up small images to make it fun/inviting. It will need to be updated weekly.

    Yes, this thread is already dedicated to the Citadel and it can stay! But if we can put it on the Homepage (TRR section), it will be out in the open and not buried by other threads until we are begging people to cap.

    • Upvote 1
  5. First, check your email and see if there's any suspicious junk in there, & if its still linked to your RS account. Maybe a hacker changed the email? Idk.

    Brand new email, new rs account, see if it gets hacked.

    I try to check the ip address when I log in to make sure mine was the last one logged on it. Check after a couple weeks if it gets hacked, then you'll know if your computer has something malicious hiding in it.

    There's a thread around here somewhere with a link to different computer cleaners. CNET.com is a nice source to find cleaners.

    But yeah. I vote start over, enjoy the nostalgia of being a noob, only you know what you're doing and the best way to do it. Posted Image

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