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Posts posted by Tcee

  1. How do you use attachements to post pictures ?

    Look just under/to the right of the reply box where it says, "More Reply Options" & Click that.

    Then, below the text box you are typing in, you will see "Attach Files", there you will be able to upload pictures from your computer,etc.


    You can always visit a free hosting site, like http://tinypic.com/ and load your picture with them, then select the "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" which will look similar to this when you paste it here:

    But when you finish, and post your reply, the image will look like this:

    Posted Image

    Hope that helps<3

  2. I've always wanted an iPhone ;_; ... But they're hella expensive. I don't know if I'll ever part with the Android os <3Samsung Galaxy S III is my new dream phone. The screen is bigger than the HTC One x, but as CNET has described, it is also a little dim in comparison with the HTC.Still, I wants.I remember back in hs, I had this tiny blue and white Nokia that I loved. Small screen, just the numberpad [no qwerty] ... I thought it was the cutest thing. Now, the bigger the better. What a topsy-turvy world we live in!

  3. RC award, please<3Also, can it be placed next to the other skill awards?-Edited by TC:But...b-but... It looks so unorganized now @.@I'll pay!

  4. Destiny was going to create this Reflection, but I don't think she's feeling too good right now, so I'll go ahead and post it. Feel better, Destiny!

    Event: Soul Wars!

    Amount of People Attended: 8

    Who In TRR had Attended:


    [*]Noob Saucse

    [*]TRR Daniel

    [*]TRR Destiny

    [*]TRR Mageman

    [*]TRR Scout


    [*]Torpedo Jr

    Special Guests: None :[

    Notes: We all met up at Edgeville Bank, then walked to SW & hopped to a busy SW world. Once there, we waited for a new game to start. Unfortunately, both TRR Mageman and TRR Destiny were having some connection issues :[

    The majority of TRR joined the BLUE Team, while Blexun and Noob Sausce joined the RED Team. Only time would tell who would be victorious.

    Noob met me at a Graveyard, but with some help, he was swiftly defeated.

    Blue Team controlled the Obelisk and next thing we know, Red Avatar was level 82... Then 54.. Finally.. 18! Yes! Everyone with at least level 18 Slayer flocked to the enemy's Avatar with haste!

    The Red Team's Avatar fell and the Blue team took the lead. The two "rogue" TRR members realized rebelling against the clan wasn't going to work out in their favor.

    Some random player went to the Blue Team's Avatar while it was level 100 and attacked it, lol.

    Blue Team gained another point before the game was over: sweet, sweet victory!

    SW map is a little too big to watch what other members' were up to, but I'm sure they were fighting with all their might!

    Feel free to add any input/pics/etc!

    Big thank you to everyone who was able to attend! Hope to see you at the next event!!<3

    *Event Coordinators & Staff, please remember to announce the day's event in the CC several times prior to the event starting to make sure as many members know about it as possible (4 hrs, 2 hrs, 1 hr, 30min, 10min til event, etc). I think it really helped today, so great job!!*


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    Noob Died :b

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    Silly person attacked lvl 100 Avatar x]]

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    Kicking Noob for lulz :]

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    Missing TRR Mageman from screenie >.< Soz!

    • Upvote 2
  5. Avatar fixed, I was trying to use a different one, but it was too big, so I guess deleted the one I had.

    'met him in runespan' lol, where else have you been in the last month?

    UH, citadel every week, and a couple events!Oh, and Kingdom once or twice x]I also recall being at PC with someone ;pBack on topic. That guy's vids are hilarious. 'I just killed Nex' made me lol.
  6. It's happening now :$

    We are currently waiting for a new game (7min left) in a game, not sure how many we will play, but game is 20min long.

    Hope you can join us! If not, no worries, definitely next time^_^

  7. Dun even know how to play. :P Anybody care to explain

    You pick Red or Blue Team.You need to kill Pyrefeinds/Jellies to collect Frags and/or fight people in the main areas (Graveyards/Obelisk) to maintain control of that area. If your team has control of the Obelisk, you can use the frags on the Obelisk in the middle of the map to lower the other team's Avatar. Sometimes, people are holding Frags and when you kill them, you can pick the Frags up.Graveyards let you spawn close to the map, if your team has control of it. You can bury bones in the Graveyard your team controls to raise your Avatar's level.The Avatar's level = the Slayer level needed to attack it.All the while, anyone/everyone can attack you anywhere on the map except inside Graveyards & original spawn point.Team with least Avatar deaths wins!Hope that helped! More questions, please feel free to ask, or visit: http://runescape.wik.../wiki/Soul_Wars
  8. when i had my run it with the law :/

    hey i wasn't doing anything wrong ok i just happened to look like someone they were looking for.......-.-

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    i will have a picture of myself as soon as i possibly can :)

    Lol! This is too cute:3
  9. That's a weird bug just changing the permissions/ unchecking the box like that :/ Glad to hear nothing's changed within our cc guidelines! I'll keep an eye out for anymore occurrences.Thank you for clarifying!

  10. Event: Bonfire!

    Amount of People Attended: 7

    Who In TRR had Attended:








    Special Guests: None :[

    Notes: I believe TRR_Daniel or Madussa brought up the Bonfire event from the calendar to the CC, and we decided to gather in F2p w30 for the social event. Our newest member, RamSkull, decided to join us as well. While waiting for members to arrive, Blexun and Puns were showing off their amazing emotes. We planted a vex at the front of the GE and started burning everything in sight. Including noobs.

    Towards the end, a player named Hawk Wolf approached me and asked to join. He we welcomed into TRR shortly after accepting the invitation.

    *Madussa gained 20 firemaking levels during this event, congratulations!!*

    Big thank you to everyone who was able to attend! Hope to see you at the next event!!<3


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