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Everything posted by CoolRun

  1. I thought I would've been able to keep up with my duties, but I can't.I'll be moving in less than 2 weeks to somewhere else in the city and have spent the past few weeks with looking for a place, packing, college related things, and FFR (dat rithum gaym) to prep for an official tournament (which is actually taking place right now, oop). Once I get settled in the new place, I'll come back.pce
  2. I got you covered with some low quality madness.ft. overstocked amount of prayer pots. o/
  3. It's cool. I get out on a regular basis whether that be with friends, errands or the occasional run. No work yet, though. I'm lazy as fuck, lol. Me neither, aside from some increase with typing skills, perhaps. Though not really related with skills in life, I may take more interest in piano someday. Who knows.
  4. Hawt stuffs. Congrats!
  5. You into rhythm gaming of any sort? If not, disregard this post.http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/FlashFlashRevolution (or FFR for short) is an online rhythm game based on hitting the keys to the beat as the arrows move up to the receptors on the top of the screen. Very very similar to DDR and of the like. Here's an example of me showing what it looks like in game:Definitely worth checking out.
  6. Ditto. I remember wasting my master ball on it in Pokemon Red...Good times.
  7. Just what we needed. Glad to have you on the team. :')
  8. RuneScape, The Last Avatar. On topic, I don't know what to think about this, lol.
  9. Great news! Can't wait to see what events will pop up.
  10. Super Mario 64, Mischief Makers, Mario Kart, Mario Party 1 & 3, Smash Bros, Starfox, Diddy Kong Racing, and Donkey Kong 64 takes the cake for me.
  11. It's possible. You'd have to disable the onboard card in BIOS and install the new one, which ignores the old one completely.
  12. This is your problem right here. I did a bit of research and the card that you're using right now is an integrated graphics card, which are not NOT meant to be used for gaming. Your quad core processor and 8 gigs of ram is overkill enough to run games, but the card needs to be replaced by a better one. Direction in installing these gfx cards itself are not in my department though. ._.
  13. I also recommend giving Gamebooster a try. It stops unnecessary programs from running in the background to optimize gameplay when you play stuff. It works for some people, but not for all. Do it up.
  14. That's really weird. Do you mind posting your computer specs first? I want to see those details before coming to a decision. CPU, Memory RAM and Graphics Hardware is all I need.
  15. CoolRun

    Dirty Mind

    oI first thought it to be an armpit. I'm definitely retarded.
  16. If you really want to get technical with awards related to posting on the forums itself, other awards can include (yearly basis):Friendliest posterMost helpful posterBest overall posterFunniest posterSmartest posterFavorite posterMost interesting posterMost random posterBiggest postwhoreBest newcomerBest avatarBest signature
  17. Thank goodness. I now feel less bad about sleeping in, lmao.
  18. Runescape name: Coo1Run (formerly ohojee_11)Real life name: DavidFacebookpage: (lolfb; I don't use this as often as I should ._.) http://www.facebook.com/david.nacesAre TRR members allowed to add you?: No problem, but I rarely use it as stated above. IM's ftw. :>Age: 19Country+timezone: Canada (GMT -5)School/University/Work: Electrical engineering starting this fall.Hobbies: Gaming (rhythm gaming, shooters, MMOs, you name it), Running, Anime.Sports: Aside from running, I don't play sports. Laaaaazinesssss.# Years you have been playing RS: Around 8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: 2-3 weeks (though I have been here during the 2009 era but haven't played an active role in the community at the time)What you usually do when playing RS: Anything really. I tend to get bored from doing a particular activity for a long period of time.
  19. I basically for the most part listen to EDM; Techno, J-Trance, UK Hardcore, Dubstep (more on the liquid side along with some Drumstep; nothing too heavy), Drum n' Bass (preferably liquid), Electro, J-Pop (lol animu), and J-Core.
  20. Woodcutting, straight up. Probably has nothing to do with the skill, but I grew up with the mindset that it was one of the easiest skills to train in the F2P world. Also, it was fun talking among other people about random topics without caring much about anything else.
  21. CoolRun

    Clan Citadel

    We can do it, I know just need to encourage others and go in groups.
  22. Minimum detail for full optimization! =p Chilling with the Cons @ Sara base ~FiGhTs~ Cons w/ Cool a la Orange @ Sara Flag
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