Runescape name: Coo1Run (formerly ohojee_11)Real life name: DavidFacebookpage: (lolfb; I don't use this as often as I should ._.) TRR members allowed to add you?: No problem, but I rarely use it as stated above. IM's ftw. :>Age: 19Country+timezone: Canada (GMT -5)School/University/Work: Electrical engineering starting this fall.Hobbies: Gaming (rhythm gaming, shooters, MMOs, you name it), Running, Anime.Sports: Aside from running, I don't play sports. Laaaaazinesssss.# Years you have been playing RS: Around 8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: 2-3 weeks (though I have been here during the 2009 era but haven't played an active role in the community at the time)What you usually do when playing RS: Anything really. I tend to get bored from doing a particular activity for a long period of time.