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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. I searched the whole forum for something associated with this topic, and I didn't find anything, so I'm going to hopefully start a discussion about this topic. So what I'm actually talking about is the DRM policies for the Xbox One, Microsoft's current project, and my recent topic of interest. For those of you that didn't know, which since E3 was about two weeks ago you probably all know, Xbox had some pretty unattractive features, like the feature where you would have to check in every 24 hours, and the no trading games, and among others the kinect spying issue... But I wanted to get out there on the forums the newest big news, despite the fact that I'm about a week late, but I waited on the assumption that this had already been covered, so keep that in mind. Now the big news- Microsoft dropped the Xbox One's DRM Policies, that means; no 24 hour check-ins, and you can share physical disks, and many more qualities that fucked Xbox One pre-orders in the ass. This was announced about a week ago on the official Xbox news website, here's the link so you can read it for yourself- http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update I wanted to know everyone's opinion on how you think this will change the Xbox ones sales and preorders, or if you think it's too late for Microsoft to rebound, and if this changes your mind and you are now getting the Xbox One as your first next-gen console, I also want to know your opinion of Don Mattrick, because I think he's a dumbass supremacist bastard, I just want to know your opinion, please help make this discussion as mean to Mattrick as you can and state your opinion. Sorry if I spelled something wrong or something I might go over and fix stuff later, but I don't think it really matters so I probably won't...
  2. If you were going for the sneak factor, I would also consider the ebony mail, but to make it fairly strong you would also have to invest in the blacksmith tree skill a bit so you can upgrade enchanted items, I believe that skill requires lv 60 in blacksmithing
  3. Hover over the tag and it says "Find more content tagged "WHO GIVES A SHIT", I LoLed
  4. I don't like forza, so luckily there would be no good reason for me to get the shitty xbox one, ps4 is looking sooo much better right about now
  5. how?? I have people coming to my door like im giving out fucking reeses cups, it's so common for me it's annoying, and I'm not even joking, I wouldn't say I'm lucky honestly because I get useless people often, but I've figured out though that I can just use the useless ones for dumb errands, like finding a freak, or clearing an infestation, I had 2 die to ferals, those things are badass, even with marcus I'm scared of those things, and big asses are just tedious to kill, but if they grab me I start to freak out a little, bloaters I hate because when you run them over you have to bail your car, and swats are okay because I never use guns anyway, but if you pay close attention, you'll notice that swats do more damage to a car when you spatter them, what's your least favorite freak?
  6. I have 21 people now, it's becoming a problem I lke having extra people to fall back on, but sometimes I get the extra people, you know the ones that have 4 *s at beer pong, yeah the ones I don't need, powerhouses, and med experts are what I want, but sometimes they come with the people I dont want, and I can't just pick out the good ones and say "hey, you suck, you rule, you leave, you stay" I wish you could, but you can't
  7. I try to keep marcus ed and maya in the game to make it feel like the story kinda revolves around a protagonist, marcus, but yeah the cardio thing is just what I use when I don't feel like running into zombies, and I would build beds, if I could, I have no spaces left and what I have, I sorta need, so if you have a better way of getting rid of the people whose special ability is beer pong and game show trivia, then I'm open to suggestions, but until then I have to deal with them the old fasioned way, and im still in the trucking garage
  8. I have had one person die, and for some reason his shit got stuck in the ground and I can't pick it up, it really sucks, but other than that I haven't had anyone die, though I did restart 2 times because marcus died. I'm trying to kill some off the weaker people though because I don't have enough beds, and I keep having morale problems, I've got rid off 3 people like that already, but it takes a while to recover from a death. but it was just the one that I didn't want to die that matters, so on accident I've had one person die. I also chose the heavy weapons specialization for marcus, and the rifle specialization for maya, I rarely use her too, but I've maxed out her skills anyway. useful tip* I find running into a wall to be a fast way to max out cardio, remember; rule #1 But my biggest problem is definitely the car thing, I'm running especially low on cars, or at least working cars, the rest are smoking, I exchange them out everyday trying to fix them all up, it's a pain...
  9. I sorta meant in a car, I thought it was implied, but I really don't think before I hit enter, I actually use chrome so I don't have as many typos, but yea I meant in a car, I live now in the shipping garage, and I like to cut corners in the roads, and there's this concrete pillar that never loads when I'm driving in the high-end exotic, so basically I drove 80 mph into a stone pillar and lost a car my second day in Marshall... it sucked
  10. I remember starting this thread, but for some reason I dont remember making any of these replies
  11. You like the glitchy rendering? it pisses me off, but other that that the games golden
  12. i knew that they were making a new game, and i also knew co-op isn't a certain thing, but im not waiting a whole year like i did for "class 3" to get my hopes up, maybe they will add co-op, maybe they won't, but I hope they will
  13. Okay, I had problems with missions breaking and not being able to progress, and this annoyed me alot, so I figured out a solution and I wanted to share it so other people could fix their broken missions. Here are the things you are going to need- [*]An XBox360, I'm not sure how this would work with a PS3 [*]Skyrim XBox360 version latest update [*]Skyrim PC version latest update [*]Modio, preferably the current version 5.13 [*]At least a 10 megabyte storage unit, any flashdrive basically. [*]And a PC, if you don't have that give up now. Modio download- http://www.game-tuts.com/community/modio.php You check your current pc version by starting the game and at the title menu it will be at the bottom left I believe, The XBox360 version updates automatically I believe. Okay, first make sure you know where your skyrim saves are, Then save in game, and check the number next to the save. Go to the storage unit the game saves to, Copy your profile to the flashdrive, Then go to games and find Skyrim Find the Save with your gamertag next to it and the number you checked in game. Then copy that save to the flashdrive, Pull the flashdrive out and stick it in your PC. Open Modio, and at the bottom it should say "Open a Save" Click that and then next to "Recent" it should have a button that has a usb stick on it, Click that, and click the button with your profile picture on it. There should be a picture and button that says Skyrim on it, click that. Click the save in it and it should open, to the left it should list; General, Advanced, Modify Save Click the advanced option, and it should have an option at the bottom to "edit package contents" Click that button and it will open the folder with "Savegame.dat" in it, no matter what the save name is, it will always say Savegame.dat so don't freak over that. Leftclick then Rightclick on the file and it should give you the option to "Save as..." Click that and save it to your desktop, And rename it to "Savegame.ess" From there you just drag and drop it to wherever on your computer you pc skyrim save to. (My pc saves to C:UsersASUSUserDocumentsMy GamesSkyrimSaves) Thats Part one, now give me a minute to rest my brain... okay now here's step 2- Now open your skyrim PC version, and load the save you just put in the save folder. don't do anything just open the console, for those of whom that don't know how to do that you just press the tilde key (US keyboard) and since I'm not familiar with other nations keyboards, here's a link to I think a faq on the skyrim console- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console Now type in the needed quest command, link to all console command commands- http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_(Skyrim) the quest commands are the 3rd section down I think. And if you don't know you're quest ID just google the quest name, something should pop up with it's quest ID. But you'll need to either enter the command to finish the whole quest, or find the appropriate section of the quest you're stuck on, or that is broke, once you've done this, save again. Close skyrim and open the saves folder again, pull the new save out to your desktop and change the .ess to .dat again, and drag it back into the folder in modio where you originally pulled it from, it should ask if you want to overwrite it, click yes, and that's pretty much it, just plug the usb back into your XBox360 and copy over the new save, then load it up again and the quest should work again. Sorry if that was messy, I'm not a professional, I just thought this would help people that have this same problem, and I hope it did, please tell me if it did
  14. I actually bought state of decay the day it was released, honestly I was expecting multiplayer, but it's proven a decent singleplayer game as well. Besides, I read on IGN that undead labs hoped to add co-op in the future. Anyone else buy the game?
  15. can't stand when this happens
  16. Fucking love this, im dying, LoL
  17. Me nd my friend have argued about this alot, so im gonna let u guys decide.
  18. NO! i can name my dog what ever I want, her name was daisy, as far as I'm concerned
  19. i mistook my dog daisy as a wolf, again, I was so fond of her, it's that dog u buy in markarth
  20. LoL, "-Thief, self explanatory." that cracked me up I like finding funny hats to get serana to wear... there arent that many funny hats in skyrim, so my hobby got cut short a little bit, but its the thought that counts
  21. Tristan

    Drunken Bear Fight

    The other bear wuz like, WTF?!?
  22. Tristan

    Skyrim Logic

    That story made the picture seem a bit ironic Sorry bout ur chicken
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