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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. I love medieval themed games, like Skyrim, but Skyrim came out in 2011 not to mention the legendary edition in 2013. Before Skyrim there wasn't a whole lot of medieval themed games to choose from (unless you like oblivion, and I didn't). I know of two really good games that were available, one was The Witcher 2 which I, at the time, could not afford, and the other was a slightly pathetic release named Two Worlds. Two worlds was available to buy in 2007, about four years before Skyrim, and was rather cheap if I remember correctly (probably a reason behind that). I'm not going to sit here and explain the whole game plot to you guys, but I was wondering if any of you had played it before?
  2. I can learn, give me a few days
  3. That's what I thought...
  4. You think they seen it coming?
  5. first of all, they don't?? second of all, do you make these yourself? jw
  6. there are also chests underneath the ragged flagon, you can get to them by pressing a wooden plate bottom facing you towards the door you enter the room with and running into it. For some reason this allows you to clip through the door and fall into water below the room. there are a few chests you can try to steal from, though I would save first because it's extremely difficult to do since you can't crouch while swimming.
  7. I was thinking you were a secret meme master of the internet, website owner by day, and troll extraordinaire by night.
  8. You all let me down, my dragons are all dead. ALL DEAD. Seriously guys. wtf.

  9. Personally I prefered the theme before the new one, even got a theme on my computer to match the steam theme. But seriously, I think the main topic should be focused on the fact that you have paint on your taskbar...
  10. "player.setstage FreeformRiftenThane 200" this should make you thane of Riften, then just talk to the (housecarl?) to buy the house.
  11. Not sure about the staff or cure disease potion, but as for the armor; there are armors that she just isn't programmed to wear. If you're dedicated I'm sure the nexus has some kind of mod that will allow for her to wear those armors. Try this mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14037/? It's the best for everything related to followers, also has a choice to make them wear what you want them to. Also highly recommend this one - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/? It's compatible with UFO and comes in very useful for maintaining follower locations when you send them home.
  12. Really wish I understood politics... I guess it doesn't really matter though, none of the politicians do...

  13. Unless your game is modded beyond the point of recognition, reinstallation would only take about 30 minutes at the most, usually. Then just reinstall the mods one by one until something fucks up. Your save data wouldn't be affected by a reinstallation, or it shouldn't at least. I can understand though why you wouldn't want to try this.
  14. If you're on PC try reinstalling the game (you should keep your data). If you're on a console maybe your disk is scratched? If the voice changes any more I recommend an exorcism.
  15. It's going to be fps mmo, kinda like borderlands with a hint of mass effect and halo. You don't have to play it, but if you like first person shooters at all then you'd be missing out. Unfortunately no, I sent in like 1000 requests, but you know... no code
  16. So I'm sure some of you have at least heard of the new release, it's not out yet but still has insane hype. Destiny was in beta testing for the past three days and sad to say it is scheduled to end today (though people are hoping for an extension). Unlike WoW and ESO Destiny will be subscription free, and is scheduled to be released on the ninth of September. I don't know about you guys, but this game is my top priority possibly for the next year or so. Now I've done my bit with the Halo franchise and 344 Industries is just fucking it up, literally the only thing better is the resolution (barely) and I can't seem to enjoy the multiplayer with the shity ass covenent looking spartan 4 armor, it's just pathetic... but there is hope for the sci fi genre to continue at it's former glory through this game, and once again through it's leader; Bungie. I've played the beta with some friends this past week and it is by far one of the best betas I've played in a long time, better than the Titanfall Beta, and even more fun than the Battlefield 4 Beta (I LOVE btf). I would also like to put out there that the beta for Destiny is now code free if it doesn't end today. I was really just wondering if anyone else is as excited about this game Is I am, and if so what features are you looking forward to?
  17. Half the shit I have posted hints at autism, I assure you I am NOT autistic...

  18. 40,000??? how in the fuck did you manage that?
  19. DRAMALLAMA! get the picture?

    1. David


      Dramallama or awkwardalpaca?

    2. Tristan


      it's the dramallama, I'm bringin' it back! :D

  20. Excuse my incompetence, but due to a tight budget at my work, and a forceful ex wife, I'm going to have to ask you to rephrase and submit your question again. Once completed I will do my best to task you an answer, if I still cannot answer your question after you have applied the fix, please feel free to report me to the higher ups.
  21. I know for a fact that even if you are not a vampire, but have completed the vampire quest line that they will attack you. I don't know why, but they seem to hold a grudge... There is also no way to "fix" this, it's just the harsh reality.
  22. I know for a fact that even if you are not a vampire, but have completed the vampire quest line that they will attack you. I don't know why, but they seem to hold a grudge...
  23. I think there's a better explanation than that, c'mon now. He obviously plays a mage and is magic; he used magic to cheat the game... and his first wife...
  24. Do you mean start a new game? because if you do, I fail to see how that's fixing anything. That would just start allot of different problems for us to have to try and fix later... not to mention that sitting through that intro has become torture...
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