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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. It happens almost every time i go there now, its that bad, I shrug it off and just dump them in the river.
  2. Have you ever been in riften at night when u see a theif being shot at, or maybe just dead on the ground?
  3. I once tried to use the Sanguine Rose to get the armor till I figgured out thirty minutes later that u couldnt loot that deadra, it broke my heartI wear the Nightingale Armor exept for the chest, there i wear the Ebony Mail.
  4. U've never run into a spriggan, theyre like geez, lord have mercy, the noise they make drives me INSANE!!If u want to see one go to bloated mans groato, there are a bunch there if u go there before that stupid mission...
  5. 8?.... There are 9!!
  6. The saddest part for me was when u find Kodlak dead, worst part is he was killed by the Silver Hands, and there was when the DB werewolf guy died, that sucked, he was kool. LoL she was peranoid too.
  7. Like a wolf or a bear or any wild animal, or creature.Most anoying to me is a wolf, they attack me on sight and really, who wants to waste their weapons enchantment on a wild dog... not me
  8. Ilike the tune, the tale is boring bc i already know it
  9. They could run off your last saved profile for skyrim, though if you never played skyrim you could just pick a side, thats how I would make my games - common knowledge now is that eso is a bitch, lol
  10. You get to murder Ulfric at the end of the Legion storyline, you get his cloak as a reward, should you choose to take it.
  11. Well, Tullias does have the more stylish uniform, mostly because it's an actual uniform... Ulfric makes his outfit look badass, whether or not you look fat in it shouldn't matter, any decent human being, in my opinion, wouldn't kill Ulfric Stormcloak. It's not a pole because when I made this I was a stupid kid, and now I have to re-edit everything so I don't come off as some sort of down syndrome reject.
  12. Yea and even afterwards they still alow that guy to preach at the satue
  13. Hey isnt it wierd that there are thalmor in markarth, yt theres a shrine to Talos also
  14. I respect them both but the better leader would have to be Ulfric, He is controlling a rather large REBEL army, and doing great before you enter the main story, Tullius is just a man doing his job, hes not even fighting for nuthin, not even Skyrim
  15. About which thing that happened at markarth, where they killed all the forsworn, or afterwards, asking to freely worship talos, the first one would make more sense...
  16. Who is a better leader, Ulfric or Tullius, Explain
  17. Well they were both made by the creators of the game so in reality niether came first, but oppresion sounds better, so just because of that, I'd say oppression came first
  18. Yea... I've only had the game like almost a week, I'm barely level twenty seven, so I wouldnt know
  19. Wait what...Did I offend you you somehow, I was stating that my friend killed thirty guards using the Fear growl, afterwards he died, if that makes you feel any betterJust so u know though if you ever get low on health you canfeed on people, and the speed of a sprinting werwolf is only outmached by a dragon, and you could escape any danger, can you do that while holding a weaponSorry BY a dragon, i'm not that good at typing
  20. Tristan

    Skyrim Marriage

    That guy is very dumb, he knows enough about being gay i think he is, besides, if a person plays this game and afterwords says hes gay that just means he was gay to begin with, and i can see where the comic is coming from, but it is offensive...
  21. Started a new profile, gonna be managing two now, just ones farther than the other

    1. David


      What type of build are you going to use?

    2. Tristan


      I'm gonna try to be a Warrior/Mage, is that what you ment

    3. Tristan


      Trying to get better at hunting too, I do this thing where I Empty all my stuff into a chest exept some weapons clothes a few potions, and quest ites stuff like that, and i go kill up a full stock of pelts and hide, I either sell them or tan them, exept those stupid deer hides you cant tan, do you know whats up with that?

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