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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. That's not what I mean. If I see a post that has two or three likes, then it obviously appeals to someones interests, and deserves to be liked. Especially if 4000+ people have viewed that post. out of 4000 only three liked it? I mean like, wtf? I can assure you that it wasn't mine, if you're thinking that I'm vain in thinking that everyone should like my shit, which I'm not. I'm just saying that I only know of about 5-7 people that use the like button, including you and I. Whenever I see a post, and it makes me laugh, or it makes sense, or something like that. I will like it, because I genuinely liked what they said, I'm pretty sure that's what it's intended to be used as. And i didn't make this post intending for it to get liked... nalim
  2. Tristan


    Where's the tiger. there he i.. wait where'd he go?
  3. Tristan


    I'm not sure whether to feel bad for the dog, or the monkey...
  4. That bison (I'm assuming) actually led a string of domestic murder cases, all looking like freak accidents, the bison was sentenced to life in [bison] prison, and later killed by a native american after trying to escape.
  5. Tristan

    Dog Rapes Chicken

    The chicken was so chill. I wish I handled rape that well...
  6. And the goat never bullied anyone ever again...
  7. Tristan

    Lion Attempts to Eat Kid

    Lion thought process - Must... eat... human... BABY ERMAGHERD!!
  8. Tristan

    The True Loch Ness Monster

    I just witnessed a turtle bite, then drowned a seagull...
  9. Tristan

    AK-47 Mechanism

    and this applies how?
  10. Tristan

    Turtle Rips Mouse in Half

    ...why? why would you feed it a LIVE mouse???
  11. Tristan

    Dog Dream

    He was chasing a nascar driver...
  12. Where did he think he was going exactly?
  13. irony, I guess it bites everyone in the ass.
  14. Tristan

    Pigeons DGAF

    It took me about five seconds to comprehend how funny this is.
  15. Tristan

    Dog vs. Ball

    0-0 that ball rapes!
  16. Tristan

    Stealth: Level 100

    LoL, this guy, this guy right here!
  17. So, it's official. LucasArts is dead, Disney has bought out LucasArts and defaced StarWars as I knew it. But it's not all bad, I hear Battlefront 3 might actually get finished this time. Anyone else looking forward to that?
  18. I don't know if everyone notices the big ass green button at the bottom-right of everyones fucking posts, but it's there, I assure you. There is a like button on elder souls, and if only 2-3 people knows how to use it, then why the fuck do we have it? I'm not flipping my biscuit, but seriously. Why doesn't anyone else use the damn like button?? Disclamer: Aherm Dear Blexun, I AM NOT FISHING FOR FUCKING LIKES!!! I will say this ONCE.
  19. Eh, the story was okay, but the whole time I sorta felt like I was on a huge goosechase, but once again that seems to be skyrim's theme. Kodlack dying was the only downturn of the storyline, others I almost seen coming, mostly because I had been told about it already. The beginning of the story was a bit rushed, but like you said it's a level <10 story line, and maybe it was just to prepare you for the things you would eventually be doing in the game. It was one of the first things I did, and I got real bored with it immediately, eventually quitting the storyline and coming back to it at about lvl 30. You are right in saying that the other guild missions were more enthralling, but I think bethesda just simply spent more time putting those together. If C is average then I think I'd give it a D+ (for effort)
  20. Tristan

    Tiara 1

    This may be a bit premature, but when did elder scrolls turn into a porn website, because it sucks that I missed that conversion.
  21. (I totally quoted the wrong person, and am too lazy to fix it, so I hope you know who I'm talking to) I feel your pain... I killed my kids fox and she hasn't talked to me since. little bastard had it coming though, I gotta admit.
  22. LoL, I never really try to provoke them, but if one of my dumbass followers does, I'll usually melee him to death, if they die they die, but one time I killed him mid-rippingmyfriendinhalf state, so I know even when he picks them up you can still save them before they die, you just have to be quick. I'f I'm alone and I have firebombs on me, I will normally go out of my way to kill them, but followers AI doesn't seem to tell them "hey dumbass, THAT THING IS HUGE, fucking stay away from it!" that's what I yell at them to make up for their lack of common sense, they never listen... I only had one follower die to those things, luckily they weren't important
  23. Marcus is currently the only person I have who can kill a Big bastard with a melee weapon, it's way more efficient, and I say that because he's the only person that doesn't get hurt at all, others can do it, but they always get hurt. LoL, first time I seen a bloater I freaked out like "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WTF IS THAT??!!??!!" then I hit it with an axe, and marcus almost died from a horde, now I try to avoid bloaters to the best of my ability.
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