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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Hey guys, I know with BXP everyones been busy skilling all weekend but our resources are really low now and we only have 1d and 20h til our next til, so if you haven't got your cap yet, please try to do so to help out. Thanks.
  2. Actually got to 75, but missed the screenie, will get the next one.
  3. Jamie

    CC Ranks

    Idk why I posted it there, and anyways, I need to post my opinions bcs I don't know what you guys discuss in council and I happen to be very active, probably more active than anyone, and so therefore my thoughts should be heard.
  4. Jamie

    CC Ranks

    In my opinion I think we need to take a look at the CC ranks. We have all these different people that are silver stars (moderators) I guess that aren't doing anything nor should really have the rank. I think to hold you a rank you should be doing something proficient towards the clan. We need to regroup a little, maybe come up with a good way for people to earn rank instead of just giving it to them and letting them sit with it.
  5. Jamie


    Glad you decide to start using the forums! Even if it's just for this..
  6. This thread is to share your achievements and the levels you've gained over BXP weekend. Here's what I did: Craft 53-61 Herb 60-69 Smith 45-56 Construction 65-75 Farm 80-83 Agility 42-45 Theive 44-46 Ending with well over 2 million experience.
  7. Jamie

    BXP Tracker

    Everyone that's active in the CC, has been added, so let's see who the skilling whore is for the weekend.
  8. Jamie


    Exactly my point, over the last couple days things have shifted back downwards.
  9. 99 Farm, 99 Construction, not sure what else yet.
  10. Jamie


    I don't feel it's right that we have people that are ranked, that are doing nothing. This has always been a problem in TRR, not sure why. As for the recruitment campaign, if you need help you can tell me what your plans are and maybe I can be of some assistance.
  11. Jamie


    Alright guys, something has to give, our clan activity is just poor right now. And tbh I don't know what to do to help out or fix it. And our new diplomat, that's supposed to be recruiting, I've yet to see him even log on RS. And our warlord, who I spoke to days ago and said she would be making clan wars practices never showed up and hardly logs in either. I think we have a lot we need to work on, but not many making efforts to do the work. Comon guys, let's pull it together, and get things back on track.
  12. Yeah, but what about all the money people were making from law runes?
  13. Well, tonights dungeoneering was good, but only 3 of us were there. (Myself, yak, & Music) We did a couple floors, and here's some screenshots. Here we were at our first boss - Heres Yak chasing the Ferrets - Here we were in some random room -
  14. Took a little break, but starting up again now.
  15. Hey Guys, Since Zybez is doing there own little tracker for bxp weekend were gonna do our own clan tracker. Anyone who wants to be added to this just let me know. Here's the link so you can check it. http://runetrack.com/competitions/competition_tracker.php?id=9714
  16. Goodluck! I tried fletching and quit at lvl 70 lol
  17. New event tonight, we threw a pvp/house party/drop party at Yak's house. Great event, lots of fun. Attendants: lllYaklll Constanci0 Cruelintakez IHit2Win Astamouthe Pvp down in the dungeon More in ring fighting Me & Yak ganging up on IHit Me, Yak, Con waiting on the rest of the noobs My items from drops, got bandos body.
  18. 143 Turoths 132 Abberant Spectres + Clue
  19. We through together a little last minute Sunday event, Pest Control, good game. Attendants: myself (Cruelintakez) Constanci0 Sunscorch MusicalMan00 Apollyon3x6
  20. Congratz, plz bring me some new recruits
  21. Exactly, my best so far is 10k too, I get some lamps here n there but nothing over medium. Waiting to see who will get something decent.
  22. Oh, yeah, can plant magic trees now, it's all down hill from here!
  23. Yeah, actually pretty decent and easy to kill.
  24. Well yeah, stars are great experience. Sometimes I get anywhere from 5k-20k for just tagging a star first, that's xp before I even start mining the damn thing.
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