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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. This one is gonna be P2P, prob will do a F2P one soon though.
  2. Good deal, glad we got this set up, I will of course be there!
  3. Notes: This was my best event turnout since I've came back to TRR. So thank you all for coming, it was a blast.Turnout of 10 people !!! And we killed the bug with ease. Attendance: Cruelintakez Cheeky Apolly King Swift Vocaloid Ear Delroth Kosher Peanut Screenies:
  4. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by posting an introduction.
  5. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by posting an introduction.
  6. I have like 20 or more of them. I remember we used them for MOTM, 99's, olympic and skilling winners, etc.
  7. I still have all the old medals me and Allan had brought in.
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the staff. Now is the perfect time to start recruiting, right before summer, that is when all of our activity comes.
  9. Great turnout, there will be much more godwars in the future to come.
  10. Event:Bandos Godwars Amount of People Attended: 6 Who In TRR had Attended: Peanut (Tanker) Vocaloid Dive aka Prettyflower Cruelintakez (Host) Kosher Delroth Special Guests: Ear – Josh (Ex TRR Member) Notes: Tassey drop, helm drop, boots drop = 3 splits. We stayed for around 2 hours apprx. getting over 40 kills. Amazing event, thank you all for joining, very successful. Pictures:
  11. Yes I am, have less than 6m xp to go.
  12. Don't forget tonight!
  13. Getting closer, had taken a break due to money issues but I'm back!
  14. Event : Penguin Hunting Meeting Place : W. 60 Edgeville Date: Every Wednesday @ 12pm Eastern. Notes: Let's find them penguins and get that free XP!! GMT Time (GMT) 5pm Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 1pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 12pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 11am Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 10am Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 9am Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 8am Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 7am
  15. Image (provide link): Not sure, Just using this for a banner for skilling events, to spruce things up a little. Colour: Green Main Text: Skill N Chill Main Text Colour: White/Grey/Silver, any of those that would look good. Boarder (yes/no): Yes
  16. I've invited our allies to join us tomorrow night if they are interested, so hopefully we will have a decent turnout.
  17. I went to a fishing trawler world a week ago and no one was there, but maybe it was a bad time. It'll only take a few of us to succeed tho, but I always liked the event.
  18. Ah, I always post straight from RS soon as I see an update, I don't mind, I just like to get opinions and stuff when they first come out.
  19. Ha, sometimes it posts, sometimes it doesnt, and when it doesnt i post bcs im on top of shit
  20. Jamie

    New Promotion

    Congratulations to our newest staff member Cheeky !!!! Welcome to Events, looking forward to working with you in the future. We have high hopes for you, do us proud.
  21. Ok, so maybe I can agree to one of those...
  22. Dungeoneering and Shop Improvements Dungeoneering Improvements It takes an eclectically skilled set of adventurers to delve into Daemonheim, and having the right tool for the job at hand is essential. With this in mind, we’ve introduced some inventory management improvements for Dungeoneering, so sorting through your gear is simpler than ever. We’ve added a tool belt to be used in Dungeoneering. It comes ready-filled with every tool a dungeon delving hero needs, including a novite pickaxe and hatchet. You’ll be able to add better pickaxes and axes that you find, create or buy as you progress, and these will stay with you in all future dungeons. What’s more, if you find a pickaxe or hatchet that you don’t have the levels for yet, feel free to add it to your tool belt – it’ll act like the highest level equivalent you can use until you’ve attained the necessary level. Another new feature in the Dungeoneering tool belt is the 'keys' category. This holds any keys picked up by yourself or members of your party. As long as someone in your party’s picked up a key, all members of the party can access it. Finally, gathered resources obtained in dungeons – including ore, logs and raw food - will now stack, leaving you yet more space for your gear. All stacks, including coins, can now be split with a new “Drop-X†option while Dungeoneering. Shop UI Improvements We’ve also overhauled the interface for in-game shops. Visually, we’ve brought the shops in line with the quality of recent interface improvements. Everything’s much clearer now, too: there’s a new full display mode, selected by default, where detailed information on the items available in the shop can be seen easily. For those who already know what they’re looking for, there’s a simplified mode that shows only the essentials (very much like the shops that veterans among you will be familiar with). This can be accessed by clicking the corresponding icon in the top right corner of the shop interface. There’s a new 'sell mode' too, allowing you to sell items carried in your inventory through the shop interface itself. This includes clear symbols denoting whether the item in question can be sold to the shop you’re currently visiting. New bulk buy/sell buttons (in denominations of 1, 5 and Max) now make it quick and easy to change the number of items you wish to trade, before confirming and completing your transaction. Finally, we’ve standardised the prices across NPC shops, so they no longer vary in accordance with current stock levels. Mod Avatar & Mod Moltare In Other News [*]Crafting battlestaves, fishing rocktail in the Living Rock Caverns, and using spinning wheels can now yield a Shattered Heart strange rock. [*]A message is now displayed when XP is gained in a 10th skill after the activation of the Jack of Trades aura. [*]A message is now displayed once a player's special attack energy reaches 50% and 100%. [*]Vampyric names earned during The Branches of Darkmeyer can now be changed, once the quest is complete, by speaking to Vanescula.
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