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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Congratz and welcome aboard our Staff!
  2. Zomg, I finally have an event scheduled that you can attend..Wow lol
  3. Hope you guys can attend, big accomplishment for Yak.
  4. We are steady working on our activity, we had moments where the clan chat is full, then there's moments where there's only 2-3 people on, never know really. I do my best to plan and run events as much as I can though. My in game name is Cruelintakez, you will see me online a lot. So, if you have any questions, suggestions, requests, just send me a pm I'm usually always available.
  5. Tbh, you should quest more, your missing out on some good shit, plus some really good xp.
  6. Event : Yak's Quest Party Meeting Place : Draynor Date: March 29, 2012, @8 Eastern Notes: We will be celebrating Yak getting his quest cape, come join us. GMT Time (GMT) 1am Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 9pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 8pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 7pm Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 6pm Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 5pm Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 4pm Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 3pm If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  7. Sounds good, hopefully we can come up with a plan to re-motivate the clan.
  8. Easy and medium tasks done, win.
  9. Woot, got the easy tasks done, working on the mediums now.
  10. Agreed, just now got around to actually editing this.
  11. Hate to see you step down Fergal, but glad your doing the responsible thing, a clan needs someone who is active, it was great working with you and knowing you all this time as always.
  12. I have no clue to be honest, you were getting in irc just fine the other day?
  13. Jamie

    Clan Fealty

    Cape is same, but has 3 stars at the bottom.
  14. Thanks for joining in guys.
  15. Here I will be tracking what I get each day, see how long it takes me til I get some kind of rare reward. March 21 - (common) 2 yew logs, (common) small lamp March 22 - (common) 50 coins, (common) small lamp March 23 – (common) bronze dagger, (uncommon) medium lamp March 24- (uncommon) medium lamp, (common) 50 coins March 25 - (common) 50 coins x2 March 26 - (common) 40 steel arrows, (common) 50 coins March 27 - (common) bucket, (uncommon) 10k coins March 31 - (uncommon) 2x medium lamp March 28 - (uncommon) medium dung lamp, (uncommon) rune scim. March 30 - (common) 50 coins, (uncommon) 10k coins
  16. A clan cloak with a fealty upgrade boosts experience gain when gathering resources in the citadel by an amount dependent on its tier, which maxes at three. Tier one gives 15% bonus experience, 30% at tier two and 45% at tier three. Each week that the player meets the requirements for a clan ring, the cloak rises in tier, while failing to meet the requirements for the clan ring causes the cloak to fall in tier, though it can be recovered by once again meeting the requirements. The clan cloak is upgraded upon entering the citadel. The cloak does not need to be worn to get the bonus at the Clan Citadel (can be on cape rack in player owned house, in bank or unobtained). Once the player has achieved fealty rank 3, they may claim their XP Reward by right-clicking on their clan cloak, and clicking "Fealty-Reward." The amount of experience gained is determined by the level of the skill chosen; the formula is the same as the formula used to gain exp in the Shattered Heart D&D. The formula is Experience = x2 − 2x + 100, where x is the sk
  17. That'd be great, if your interested in helping me out, get with me in irc and we can talk.
  18. Jamie


    Well, you can send in anything anytime you want, no expectations required.
  19. Hey Con, I need a banner made, plan on doing a skilling contest toward the end of April. So, it needs to say "Skilling Competition" or something like that.
  20. I'm a female, tyvm, so we do have gals here lol
  21. Attention Rebels! The rebelz timez will be making it's grand return on April 1st, the first edition will be out. Myself and Isaiah have been brainstorming and working together on bringing this back to life. If anyone has any screenshots, acheivements, short stories, requests, etc that you would like to include in the newsletter, just send a PM to me on the forums. I'm looking forward to having the newsletter back out every month and hope you all will enjoy.
  22. Jamie


    Yep, I plan on that too, thanks brad.
  23. Jamie


    Well, I think I can come up with 2-3 people to help me, then of course I'll have a post where people can send in any screenies rs related, or anything they would like posted in the newsletter. I'm thinking some ideas. Not sure when I will start it but I will let everyone know.
  24. So, I remember when I first started the newsletter, and was wondering who would like to see the monthly newsletter back. I'd be more than happy to publish it like I did before.
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