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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Good new David: This weekend I migth be able to buy that premium membership I've said I'll buy soon long time ago.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. David
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Well, atleast you haven't threatened to take the site down recently...

    4. David


      Recently? When did I before? Lol.

  2. I'm not in any of these. Much dissapoint. To be fair though, I wasn't really very active in TRR, more so in TLoL.
  3. It's weird to see all these people who have logged in today... I don't know who they are, and back in my days there usually wasn't this many... Also, random oldies are on the list that haven't posted in ages.

  4. WHAT?! Why do you think that? I want Tcee back...
  5. What, the 18+ section under premium? But it was my fault it was made... I can't even remember what I posted, I wanted to know, and at the same time see if there was anything new (after Brad).
  6. Like, all of them? I've been wondering the same...Edit: I meant I've thougth about the same thing as ol' blex here.
  7. I saw "The Hunger Games" a second time, and then Harry Potter "Order of the Phoenix". It was on TV, alright? Also, it's 05:16 am and I'm doing nothing in particular, and have been doing so the past few hours. Probably my most boring new years eve so far.
  8. I got socks.BEST. CHRISTMAS. EVEEER!!!!!! :'(
  9. Can't help but notice there's no option for "none of the above".
  10. I think Europeans are very different, and very few Norwegians smoke (they usually take snus, disgusting thing they put under their lip). But anyways, how's their English? French tends to have kinda shite English. Also are you studying (and if so, what)?Edit: You said you're attending school so I guess you are studying. Also, how old are you?
  11. Are you saying it got removed?! Well, no point getting premium then.Also, when the day comes when I can buy stuff online, I'll probs get premium.
  12. It's right there... Idk why you can't see it...
  13. Norway's got 50 more medals in the winter olympics, and even though we barely got any summer, we still do fine at summer olympics... I don't really understand your argument. I am serious. Why so serious? You're lame, I win.
  14. My wish includes flying aswell, so I'd have it all.
  15. Being able to transform into anything and anyone. After David's wish ofcourse.
  16. I think the ad bots got a thing for me...

    1. David


      I know, right? I deleted an ad three straight times and within an hour, every time, there it was again... I think we were getting trolled by some keyboard monkey in Pakistan.

    2. David


      But I guess we won since I shut the comments for your blog entry off.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Awww... No more comments... I'm sure there were lots of nice comments to come. Besides, it made me visit this page. Well, I still might do occasionally.

  17. I've watch that scene many times, and never cared what he said. Mod Edit: I'm also a huge loser who deserves to be crucified.
  18. Ah, yes, I do have the problem of people dying when I stare at them. In fact, it doesn't take more than a glance. Luckily I can easily swallow those who look into my eyes, so there's no problem with bodies.
  19. http://www.boredbutton.com is quite nice. Anyways, I can't seem to place a bet on salty bets.
  20. Darth Maul was so cool... I got a figurine of him on my desk. Anyways, yeah, I hate that very American thing of making everything child-friendly to make more money.
  21. I say pink and lime-green theme
  22. I like the current the design, but sure, whatever.
  23. I've got a sword that looks exactly like the one he picked up...
  24. More chicks and larger swords? Isn't that what they are doing anyways?
  25. Well, I think that monthly fee is alright if they add free new content. Expansion packs to make people pay extra on top of what they already pay is just rude.
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