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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. As you all should know, as I've been ranting about it everywhere, I've had an operation in my toe. But that's not the only problem. Today, I managed to kick my toe into the stairs, and it did hurt... a lot. But I often do kick into stuff. Probably because I got gigantic feet. My shoe size is; America; 14,5 UK; 14 and Europe; 49. I'm curious to see if anyone else in the clan have bigger or as big feet, as I find it humanly impossible. It's not very easy to find shoes either, but people in Norway do have big feet, and shops are taking in bigger sizes, and the population's feet are growing. This post does not really got much to do with my toe, really. But I can also include that the surgeon gave me a note saying I can't go to school for the next few days, and therefore I've had lots of time playing RuneScape Actually, I got something else to say aswell. Do you think I should change my greeting from Hi nubs! ? I feel that it's a part of my identity, so I don't really want to change it, but people get offended. I don't see why though, as nub CLEARLY isn't the same as noob!
  2. I don't want any games to distract me from RS, or else I will quit RS. Also, I can't really download anything, as I only got my school laptop, and I don't want it to become slow and fail on me.
  3. ROFL, that was really funny I looked it up and it isn't a real episode though
  4. I just realized that I had my public chat at friends, so I couldn't see anything you wrote... I was wondering why you didn't say anything
  5. I wish I could have been, could really use the money too... But I hope it will be earlier on the day next time, as 1 am is a bit late for me.
  6. I've never played it though seen vids and livestrems of it. I think it looks kinda like old Sim City.
  7. I was almost there! It took to long for it to start though, and I had to eat something and I was supposed to go to bed.
  8. Lion my favourite... Lion...My favourite animal is Platypus though. Looks at those weird beaks!
  9. I wish it was an hour or two earlier... I'm not sure if I want to be awake that long. Though I can, since I've just had an operation in my toe and got free from school :)Edit: Fixed
  10. My name is BÃ¥rd. It looks like Bard, but it's pronounced like Board or Bore. I prefer the Bore pronounciation, though most BÃ¥rds prefer Board.
  11. I've just had an operation in my toe. It hurts. Like hell. I just took painkillers, but they aren't working yet. They have removed a bit of my nail, so it will forever be a bit more narrow then on the other toe. Shit, this really hurts. I can barely concentrate. I could feel that he touched the bone in the toe, though my toe was drugged(if that is the right word for this). It's a really odd feelin, when you don't feel pain but a really odd feeling in your bone. Fuck shit bugger, EricBloodaxe
  12. I was playing this for like a week when I first got members. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I can't come though, as 2am is a bit late...
  13. No, no, no. There are more than 14,000 posts all together on the forums :)Besides, he only got 1,487 posts, not 14,087!
  14. It's actually not very unusual in Norway I hate skiing though...
  15. I'm also lookong forward to The Hobbit, and I have actually read that book. I tried to read LOTR aswell, but I didn't make it through...
  16. I don't mind, even though I've never played Skyrim, and got nothing to do with the Skyrim related topics. I did mind in the beginning though...
  17. To "assinate a bear" doesn't sound too good... I didn't know you had such fantasies, Blexun...
  18. According to the extended edition, when Aragorn and his gang reaches... that place where Sauroman stayed, Grima kills Sauroman, and Legolas kills Grima.
  19. Yes, you are right about what'shisface did turn evil rather quick, but don't they also say that humans are very weak for the ring, whilst hobbits aren't? I think hFrodo's attachment to the ring grew over time.I've still not seen all the extended editions, and I am ashamed... I was going to watch them as a marathon, as the extended editions answer so many questions, like what happened to Sauroman.
  20. That damned annoying mole... And after all that effort, you only recieve crap...
  22. I liek liking and recieving likes, but to be able to give someone negative reputation is really stupid.
  23. Lol, fart is the worst swear word ever!Also, I've never played WoW, never intend to either. It really is overpriced.
  24. But Traaginen is still the highest leader, right?Gratz btw
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