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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. But Legacy of Legends is the RuneScape clan run by Fergal and bgs. I was in that clan, and I think you were aswell. (Not the game League of Legends)
  2. Oh, lol (get it?). Have you been in Legacy of Legends, Sunscorch?
  3. You still didn't say if you were in LoL or not...
  4. I'm not really sure why you decided to write dutch, but we do actually got a dutchman in the clan! However, I'm not sure he actually plays Skyrim. I don't, so I can't help you either way.
  5. I got all my cereal games... Sort of... There was one demo, of a weird game that I really liked, and I got lego racers (mostly adverts, not much of a game), lego soccer (I think that was a demo), and a Cowboy game that was really cool, but me and my brother failed horobly, because we didn't know much english at the time. That was the problem with so amny other games aswell.
  6. First!And Welcome Back! I think you might have been in LoL? Or is that incorrect?
  7. Yeah... I got lots of crap games and demos from cereal boxes... Good times. Shit games. Mostly.
  8. Is it just one day, or out May, or something else?
  9. She started being nude to you? Well that. Oh wait...
  10. Omfg, there's even prizes! Sign me up! I'll probably be too lazy and fail horobly though.
  11. American Football isn't very populare in Europe, atleast not in Norway. However, the state channel does actually send Superbowl, live I think (since it's the middle of the night). They've only recently started sending it though. Surprisingly many, though still not signficantly, do actually watch it in the middle of the night. I've watched some, with those cheese-people. I didn't really understand much of it. But I didn't really care either.
  12. Wattt...? Norway didn't make it? I don't care about football at all though. Not American football either.
  13. Huygens, what are you doing?! I get notifications saying you quouted me in various posts, but when I check, you haven't posted anything!

  14. I got a notification saying Huygens quoted me, but there is no such post here!
  15. I got back into RuneScape last week! That's a great achievement. I also attended my first event! and second...
  16. I'm 100% sure I live in GMT +1, whoch I think is the same as UTC +2.
  17. Fuck you and your computer, mine can barely handle lowest quality! Gl on goals btw!
  18. I'm a true viking, I come from Norway ofcourse!
  19. Traag is right, but I wouldn't call this an analysis. It's just to prove a point and is not really an objective study of the song and it's meaning.I'm glad you added the song btw, or I would have to look it up myself. It IS a good song Blexun!
  20. I think I live in UTC +2, but I'm not sure. I live in GMT +1 though, and I think that's the same as Amsterdam.
  21. I didn't revive it even though I said so! There you go, never trust a viking. I like MineCraft though, but I gave it up after I started playing RS again. Also, my friends little brother came and fucked everything up for me and my friend.
  22. I managed to kick into the stairs again... And I'm 185 cm, about 6 feet
  23. I was on my family's mountain cottage, and went skiing and stuff, like a true Norwegian. I was there for a whole week without internet, and not much electricity. But it was alright.
  24. I'm not really shure if I think medals for 99's is the best, though I think medals for achievments within the clan is a great idea.
  25. Very good entry I really do agree with you aswell. I don't think I got as much of a problem with papertowels, propably because I usualy don't spill stuff.
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