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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Hey guys, just wanna lift my characters eyes a notch, how do I get into the bit at the beginning of the game where you create your player? Been playing far too long to start again just to change the eyes a little, you know what I mean? But the eyes have been bothering me for a while now, they need to be changed!
  2. I'm so glad you don't want me to leave, Dave! I was having a hard time pulling myself away anyway. I do have a few probs though, the first one is that I'm not doing anything to erase the three houses, I've just adopted a couple of kids for my Hjaalmarch house, so the first option is out of the question. the second prob is that I don't understand what you are tell me in the last sentence of your post. It looks like it should make sense but.... So I was thinking I would settle for the even easier alternative and hunt down the codes for the specific furniture, like Interactive trophy bases (large and small), and greenhouse planters (large and small). but they would need to be interactive for this to work. Cant find anything on wiki. That way I could just go around moulding the interior to whatever I want anyway. By the way, im out of the country (in-game) at the moment, and haven't even had a chance to see how my second kid is settling into the house, but when I get back to Skyrim I was hoping to adopt yet one more kid for my Lakeview house.... Can I adopt more than the two I've got? One more thing; it's really hard to find a good husband in Skyrim.... Can I choose anyone?
  3. Ah, yes, the Great Bear Goldblade. It's all good, friend, just testing the water with you. like a good laugh. I use to call myself Buttons The Great.... but, as you can imagine, it didn't really suit me. lol
  4. So these three hearthfire houses.... They're all built, but I'm not entirely pleased. At the moment I got them set close to how I want them as I can, but ultimately I would have preferred more options, like the bedroom or the greenhouse on the west wing instead of the east, and the armoury on the east wing instead of the west. I even would have preferred to do one of my houses with the bedrooms on the north wing had I the option to do so.... is there any way of doing all that? Also, is there any way of redoing the houses at all once they're complete? Furthermore, are there console codes for the following: Interactive pot plants? the larger greenhouse planters? The trophy benches/stands in the trophy room? Ultimately, I wanna put everything into one house, one way or another.... Poor Buttons, I'm just so terribly cute....
  5. Just to be clear, Dave, you know that it is Hunter with the issue this time, not me, right? I never even rode Shadowmere. Just checking.... Fine everybody, I'll keep my problems to myself from now on!!! Well... at least for a day or two..... By the way; "Hi Dave!!"
  6. What do you mean, bear boy? It was Hunter that lost the horse, not me, I was trying to help! But ya.... I do have a lot of problems. You got a problem with that?
  7. I don't know if Shadowmere can die... I assume so. then again maybe not. You might find his body there. But my horse, Frost, died a few times before I console coded him to be immortal. but by your question im guessing your playing xbox? I'm playing legendary edition too (pc). You're doing Companions? Hope you like becoming a werewolf. I prefer being a werewolf than a vampire. Never liked the whole vampire thing much. If you want a good horse do the mission that gets you Frost. he's cool and doesn't run away a much as the horses you can buy. But he still runs away now and then. funny. Anyway, you've inspired me: I've built my 3 hearthfire homes so now im gonna go get a husband and some kids for my DawnStar Property. Best view!
  8. Have you yet been responsible for relocating the Dark Brotherhood location? If so, you might find that Shadowmere has returned to the old location and is hanging around the forest nearby. after I moved the Dark brotherhood hideout I found shadowmere hanging around the old place fighting some dudes. Otherwise, I don't believe you can own that horse, so he is going to be easy to lose.... especially if you are jumping around on other horses! Otherwise, if you have had followers in the past, but have left them behind after telling them to "wait here", then you need to find that follower again, who may have returned to their home by this point, then ask them to follow you again before you have to ask them to "part ways", not "wait here". Then you can go get your wife. Don't know any more than that but hope this helps.
  9. You, David, are friggen Brilliant! Do you realize just how very impressive you truly are?
  10. I'm playing on pc. I've made Lydia Stewart of my Heljarchen Hall Home, and now I want Gregor to be Steward so that I can send Lydia back to Whiterun. I took her back to Whiterun and told her to part ways, so she said she would go home, but then walked all the friggen way back to Hjarchen! there is no dialog to help me and I have made her immortal so I cant kill her then resurrect her either! And their aint nothing I can see on wiki to help either. As for mods, I don't know how to install them safely. I'm a noob! really I am, and I don't want to compromise the games software with my lack of knowledge! Ahhhhhh! Please help!
  11. Ok, so, I took your advice and hunted down the quest, which ended up starting with one of the little kids running around Solitude. Up until now I've just ignored there please to play hide and seek. So I completed the quest but I had left it too long and the Amulet wasn't taken from my inventory by the woman who was meant to take it, even thought the quest was completed, but the good thing is that once the quest was done I could get rid of the stupid things anyway. Stored two away. used one for the shrine, and kept the fourth hanging around my neck. Thanks again Dave. cheers to your patience
  12. ok... but I thought I had done everything she asked... hmm, will have to look into that. Thank you.
  13. I have four amulate of talos's. The game says that it is a quest item, even though I have been on no quests concerning this item, AND EVEN THOUGH I HAVE FOUR OF THE F#%KING THINGS, and it will not let me use them for anything. I want to build a shrine of Talos in my cellar in my Lakeview home but I cant because the game wont let any of the f#%king things go. I've checked wiki and it is telling me crap. Can someone tell me how to get around this so that I can finish this house. the shrine is the only thing holding me back. I'm kinda pissed off. Please help. thank you.
  14. So then, I'm guessing that because the other jarl isn't giving me the option to buy land, even though she has given me a house carl, that I have to finish building one house before I start the next. One at a time?
  15. Sure did! Nothing went missing either! Even started building my new house by the lake. I don't know what that little vampire chick was doing out there wandering around in the woods, she should be way up in Morthal where I established the dark brotherhoods new hideout ages ago. creepy kid. The horse even stopped when I rode by and she called out to me; "Hello Listener!" But hey, I was going to ask you, can I build more than one house now? I was reading up on the web and apparently you can build three (Falkfreath, The Pale, and Morthal). I've already acquired the land out at Falkreath, so can I still build the other two in the pale and morthal as well? They weren't too clear on that point.
  16. Oh crap! I have recently ordered the Skyrim LE, and am waiting for it to arrive in store. I sure as hell hope I don't encounter that problem, I have put too much work into my houses to have that done to me. Am I correct in assuming it isn't meant to happen, so it might not?
  17. Well... I have a question for a change. I know, very unlike me. So here it goes: I supposedly have the Golden Touch perk. See what happened was I paid some guy in Whiterun over 15'000 seps to train me in Smithing, then I felt bad about giving him all that money so I replaced what I lost through console codes, but I got greedy and added an extra 5000 which brought me over the 100000 mark, and then a little white box came up on my screen saying I had achieved Golden Touch. Woo-hoo! Then I felt bad again because I cheated, so I went to a previous save point (before adding the gold through console) and proceeded to reach 100000 by selling off some of my old weapons instead, only this time the little white box didn't come up on screen to tell me I had achieved Golden Touch. So i went back and did it again, and again and again and again.... but no matter what, I couldn't get that little white box to show itself. After a while I kinda lost track of where I was and the game began to get the shakes, so eventually I just decided to go back to a save point just after when I added the gold by console in the first place, and simply carried on the game from there.... Stuff my conscience! But now I cant seem to find the perk anywhere in my stats. You know? I figured it would be listed in my Active Affects or something like that, but I cant find it written or listed as a perk anywhere!!!! Um, so.... Oh, yeah, so I had a question, which is; "I need to know for sure I have the Golden Touch. Can I find it anywhere other than in Active Affects? It would be hard for me to tell by raiding chests and urn and stuff because I already have some variety of fortune perk after finding all of those 24 unusual stones earlier in the game. And, wouldn't you know it, I cant find that perk written anywhere either!
  18. Interesting.... I'm so silly I don't even know what X an Y stand for.... my console commands are limited
  19. Thanks Dave, Much appreciated. I have a list like that for furniture and stuff, but I couldn't find one for plants and stuff. Got it on my windows ready! Thanks again. By the way, do I have to fly to put a torch on a door frame? I found the "fly" console code but I'm scared to do it in case I get stuck in the air or something.... Is that weird? By the way, also, you didn't by any chance come across weapons racks or display case codes, for either or both, that actually work properly? it seems my war-axe keeps popping out of my display case when Vigilance walks by.... (The ones I didn't add myself work fine). And another thing, I keep setting my table all pretty, than when I come back in the room everything is in a mess. I read somewhere that if you keep putting it back in place it will hold there eventually but it never does! I should have never touched the table items....
  20. anyone know the code to the pot plant down stairs in the Riften house? Or any other pot plants? Ahh... any codes for gardens as well? Wanna plant a garden in the little square area next to Breeze house, and put a pot plant next to the new chest at the foot of the stairs inside. Place is looking good, just a few finishing touches.... This might be pushing my luck, but is there also any way to stick a couple of torches on the doorframe outside?
  21. I created a shortcut direct to that mod.... as a last resort, as I hope to find a way without messing with the programming too much. I don't trust downloads because of bad experiences.
  22. First of all I would like to thank David and Dalilah for their help in solving my followers health issue problems. It would seem that after putting Vigilance, Frost and Lydia to the test, they can no longer die. That's good! The following are the correct codes to use in order to achieve this: Vigilance: setessential 9a7aa 1 Frost: setessential 97e1e 1 Lydia: setessential a2c8e 1 Vigilance doesn't even faint when his health runs out, he just stands there and takes it. Yesterday he was taking on five very powerful bad guys and all I could do was stand there and watch as there onslaught had no affect on him whatsoever. So great to see. Lydia on the other hand does faint, but doesn't die. And, I'm not sure if its my imagination or not, but Frost doesn't run away from confrontations as much as he use to, and he doesn't die either! HOWEVER, HERE IS THE PROBLEM: Now and then, after a good battle, Vigilance will turn on Lydia, who has no choice but to defend herself against him as she says things like, "I'll kill you if I have to!" and "Is that all You've got?" I think the problem is that Lydia sometimes hits Vigilance with the power of one of the staffs I've given her, and so he turns on her as if she is an enemy. Once, because he cant die any more, I gave him a good wack with my war hammer and he snapped out of it, but most of the time he will keep on attacking her, and I cant even talk to him either! So I have no choice but to go back to the beginning of the battle and do it all over again. Is this a normal problem? because it is very annoying. And, can I stop Vig from attacking her without doing the battle all over again? It would be a shame to leave him outside now that his health is so cool. I don't really want to remove the staffs from Lydia either because she is a lot more powerful with them. Another Buttons moment....
  23. Buttons thanks Eric for his premium support. But... schizophrenia? What schizophrenia might you be referring too, young man?
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