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Everything posted by Henry

  1. Oh boy.Since it looks like Anarchy is doing most of these I'll just tell you now that I'm sorry.AttackStrengthRangeMagicConstitutionCookingDungeoneeringHerblorePrayerSlayerTotal Level 2000+Level Milestone 60+Clan VeteranModeratorCouncilHigh CouncilDrags award for war excellenceMember of the monthMember of the yearAnd of course my favorite:Henry Memorial Award Of Trolling.Thanks ^.^
  2. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Henray Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 2189 F2P/P2P: P2P Combat: 123/135 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Knights of Death Impulse The Runescape Rebels Where did you hear about TRR? Um. Off a fansite that my friends have made and maintained: Runecrypt This was about 4 years ago nearly. What were your first impressions of us? Honestly. Fun place, some people can take things the wrong way and just spaz out. Friendly enough. Why do you wish to join our clan? Hmm, really. I just want to help get this clan back on track to where it was before where it was a fun clan where everyone got along for example: If someone were to get 99 fishing EVERYONE in the FC/CC/IRC would come to see you level and say congratulations! Whether or not everyone or anyone for that matter was actually paying attention when you leveled is a different story. Other then that I wanted to add this part in. Although some of you newer members who know of me may think I'm just here to troll and make people rage quit because I greatly enjoy it. Actually take the time to get to know me and give me a chance. Don't read this application with certain prejuices. To those of you who do it anyway.... My dad can beat up your dad. -Henry
  3. Sigh, Why is everyone fighting? From my point of view though admitttedly it may incorrect but it seems that the whole point of this thread was to get some feedback on the clan. Which you all admirably have given whether it was actually useful or not is a different story. I like hitting the enter key for fun. See. Now. There's a lot of finger pointing and pointless arguing that is getting everyone no where. Sure there are problems and I won't even bother going over what has already been covered. Instead of you members bitching and complaining saying there needs to be new blood in leadership or that there isn't enough being done. Let me ask you this: What is stopping you from stepping up and putting forth effort to get this clan of yours on track to what you all want it to be? It ISN'T David's job to do everything. Hell I've been there and witnessed it personally. Good for him to retire and entrust the clan onto others. All that means is that he has enough faith in you to keep it going and alive in his place. So it hasn't gone as peachy as everyone would like. It's been slowly declining. How dare he point out everything that's wrong and encourage members to take it upon themselves and step up to plate and show that they are responsible enough to lead the clan onto bigger and better things. Seriously? What right do you have to say anything about the clan then? If that's the attitude that you've taken then allow me to ask you this:Why are you still here? If it has fallen apart and is in pieces since June, why haven't you brought it up with your leaders to share your concerns or better yet try and reverse what you see and think is happening? No one wants to see their clan fall apart and be dragged down. Proof of this is why I'm even bothering to post this despite not even being in the clan. Or as to why David has bothered to create this thread all together. That aside. So while we're at it why not turn this thread into a giant cluster dump on the clan and let's all just rage quit and call each other names. Well. Screw you guys. My dad can beat up your dad. Honestly. Okay, if you are so dissatisfied with the clan then let it out. Share what you think is broken and let's see if there's anything that we can do to address those concerns. Honestly if we all do work together we can fix what is broken. From what I've gotten from skimming over here are some key issues that are being had. - There is no major effort being put forth by the clan as a whole to recruit new members. - Low activity - Many members are currently on vacation and are unable or unwilling to post on forums/play RS What else? Instead of bickering among yourselves let's all get this shit together and fix it. Honestly. What are you accomplishing by going back and forth.
  4. gud luk.I'll come annoy you if i'm on when you're doing this stuffs just because I have nothing better to do.
  5. Bump. Dray said something about a new history so i bothered to recover my acc pw to read it, I must say it is quite well done. Dibs out on writing about the "Forgotten Chapter".I nominate David.
  6. I think we need to do the usual advertising campaign that we also used to do those years. In game/IRC/Forums over and over where it becomes annoying.Also for every war that we win I'll personally host a drop party every time after wards but only for those who show up.What I personally noticed just when I was around I can't speak for all the time but no one really put much of an effort into spreading the word.Ex. Changing the FC topic and then still bringing it up constantly.
  7. I volunteer to be clan bank
  8. Henry


    For a second there I thought ninja was back.
  9. Pking is a blast and that's why I do it so much. It's not the same as grinding for a skill or boss hunting for cash. It's more laid back but it can get annoying when you factor in all the pjers and rushers but even then, all it depends on is your outlook on it if you approach it as a way to make money or something of the sort you won't enjoy it because you're so srs bsns about it. Once you can get past that and simply do it to enjoy it you won't even notice that you've been pking for like 2 or 3 hours and then you realise you actually do better when you're not stressed out about making bank.
  10. LULULULULULULULULULULUL. Wrong.I'd say:90% Luck. Hits/Specs.5% Stats2% Equipment3% Random shit that just happens.^Fact.Also f2p pking is so much fun. if you are unable to ko someone in full rune before they tele/run then you suck. Then again the same is said about p2p pking so it doesn't matter. P2p you time your specs and switches. F2p you time your switches it's all pretty simple stuff. Also. For those 200k sets they add up really fast mostly the scims/2h's and shorts. I personally had about 130m~ of rune pk loot from just f2p pking back when there was pvp worlds/bh and it was pretty common.
  11. Henry/Douche/Troll/Noob/Ass/Jerk/Kod/Henray Take your pick.
  12. Henry


    I want to play it but seeing as I'm so bored of Runescape right now. I'm scared that it will be my new Runescape where i waste all my free time on there and still play years later.
  13. GamerTag: HenrrrrryThat's 5 r's for those of you who are too lazy to count.
  14. But oh so very long and boring. I knows from experience
  15. Congrats! But... y u steal all mah stats? o.O
  16. Welcome back Fergyferg. And sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you're coping well.
  17. Seriously. Do it already. It's been 3 years in the making I'm sure there were fun events in between. Plus it would be an interesting read.
  18. Do you claw for ko or do you just try and switch out for a db spec?
  19. Oh sorry I didn't read this post. Numbers for combat?Before Wild came back I was sitting at about 400m bank from slaying and bh world pking.7-8 months later of some pking I've currently at nearly 5b total bank.Combat pays.
  20. Nice. Active. Content.

  21. Mine would be a combination of two people.Reina T/Ghostthefox. aka Shelly/Wally.Shelly was awesome for a robot. And Wally? Sheeeeeit. He's a badass walking zombie robot. nuff said.
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