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Blue speed

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Everything posted by Blue speed

  1. 9 months and I'm no longer a government slave. Also I've been at home the past month if you were wondering where the fuck I went

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blue speed

      Blue speed

      I'm in the military man

    3. Jake


      So, in nine more months your contract will be up?

    4. Blue speed
  2. I'm pretty sure I can add ya. Invited
  3. It gives dual wielding no special attacks, changes the whole combat aspect of the game.
  4. You retired because your a lazy narb.
  5. I for one don't see myself playing this shit when this eoc crap comes out. What about everyone else in here
  6. Finished 99 smithing (Sorry Blex :P)

  7. 99 Smithing, I am now done with this bullshit!
  8. Oh I was out in the field man, no internets lol

  9. Whore you need to update your dp. Also I sent you my message on why I ninjad

    1. David


      What's DP? Oh, yeah I saw that. So what was the whole story on the army thing?

  10. I won't take the chances on losing mah shit there again
  11. Almost down with my military school guys so you'll see me pop in here more often :D

    1. Henry



    2. Blue speed

      Blue speed

      lol no it is isn't. I'm always getting sent to do pointless training. Theres nothing I can do about it

  12. Hi there! My name is Walter Gomez, aka Ghost, aka Blue speed. I'm 20. I like food. I've lurked with TRR until they became this Community Not like theres anything wrong with that. I typically try to fit video games into my complicated lifestyle. I am a slave of the government *Army* Until October next year. On a unoffical note, I am a forum moderator/Council member for the runescape sub-forum on this site. Please feel free to spam me.
  13. Always good to be back lol
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