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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. what do you mean by "Edit that text layer so that we have an image for every rank" ahh i get it, instead of member for example you want it to say rebel?
  2. My laptop doesn't seem to take screenshots without PicPick. No Problem, Thanks.
  3. I posted it in the general discussion forums! check it out!
  4. NoobyGuy requested this. How to Print Screen/Screenshots: If you want to take screenshots you'll need some software. I use PicPick, it's free for personal or non-commercial use and is great for taking screenshots and editing them (cropping,blurring,pixelating,adding text etc) Here is the download link: http://www.picpick.org/download (FREE) To take these screenshots you need to press the PrtSc key on your keyboard. The PrtSc key is in the same area as the Ins and Del key (On my Keyboard) Please note, this isn't my keyboard. How to Upload Them!: To upload photos you can use many websites. Some popular ones are tinypic, imageshack or photobucket. TinyPic is free registration but isn't ideal for going back and getting your uploads again. Photobucket is great, registration is required but I would highly recommend it for uploads. http://www.tinypic.com http://www.photobucket.com How to take videos!: There are many programmes that can record the screen. A popular one is Camtasia Studio 7, this is not free however and costs quite alot. A free solution to that would be CamStudio. CamStudio isn't as polished as other software but it gets the job done. Here is the link: http://camstudio.org/ Another great screen-recorder worth mentioning is uTIPu, this is also free. http://www.utipu.com/ Thanks ~Stuart
  5. You want someone to make a video of how to upload screenshots online and make videos?
  6. safari cant open page.is the link broken?
  7. My character is in my sig.This is sort of a way in which I can gather characters to put them all in one banner to help with recruitment btw. And other clan signatures etc.
  8. looks better, but there are some cut offs at the top and bottom, no biggie though. NICE!any chance on seeing that .PSD?
  9. sure, can you give me the .psd...ill take a look in the morning..you should delete the locked background, create a new layer and use an eraser to rub out the white. that should give you a transparent bg.nice sig btw, please do send the .psd.
  10. guys c'mon! use Amazon! it's loads safer and better
  11. WELCOME! what war????!!!!....
  12. nice, straight to the point! :L I used to play rs alot too but now I'm very physically active. WELCOME!
  13. nice, some high quality ones
  14. Stuart. So far i've seen a 'What's your real name?' and 'IRL Picture' thread. What's next? 'Where do you live thread!' 'Post pics of your little sister thread'
  15. Stuart


    GT: xStewyI play CoD.
  16. I always manage to have a laugh at the stupidity and straight up madness of south park!
  17. the seven dwarves were all in the bathroom feeling happy, so happy got out
  18. Ok, so basically signatures and banners?Id like to get a couple of members' pics of their character, so like Kaiden's sig...just put them in so I can actually show part of our community in the banner etc.so maybe the moderators or any volunteers I guess...get a couple of screenshots of their character and send them to me?
  19. @ Traaginen Id love to! All I need is some specifications
  20. Use them however you want Heh, I prefer these to mine
  21. Tbh I don't mind if lobsters are cheap...as long as I don't have to die of boredom im happy!
  22. There are lobsters and swordfish on Karamja! Ask me in-game and I will ACTUALLY TAKE YOU THERE! :D
  23. What are the level requirements to do this?Is there fishing!?
  24. I agree with fishing. It is very casual and laid-back. You don't have to constantly be on watch like when you're killing demons or in the great orb project etc.You can sit back, listen to some music, do some multi-tasking without too much concentration and on the plus side you earn some money. If I had to pick one 99 I wouldn't mind getting, it would be fishing.I've never really got to such a high level that I earn money from monsters, feathers is the only way I know alot of people farm from chickens in lumbridge, on F2P though.
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