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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Another concoction of brushes,c4d.
  2. Just a doodle tbh, I was doing a button tutorial ( Havent done a tutorial in ages) and then literally said, '' screw this, im making something else!''
  3. Ha! I'm up for it, not much experience as a forum mod though :$
  4. It's difficult for someone to teach you, I can help you by giving you pointers on your work. Use the tutorial websites! Jus post your art here and feedback will come.
  5. Yeah, I hate when something says guide and a video is put up, I prefer to read. I might post some guides soon
  6. Can we like, make our own stocks? I've invested wisely, soon I'll be the richest guy in the world(forum)
  7. Anyone with Xbox360, go to the Game Marketplace and buy FortressCraft! Its only 240 MP and it's basically Minecraft for the xbox, u can join my server and we can build stuff
  8. Name changed from RGuides11 to xStewy
  9. The CC/ FC does get slightly silly sometimes.
  10. Yay Angelina Jolie is right!
  11. The first one isn't Olivia Wilde or Taylor Swift.The Second one is Selena Gomez!!! Well done.
  12. Stuart


    did you make that? nice
  13. Who's that Chick? Round 1! Picture Contest. Winners: 85gangsta and Blakelington Congratulations! Round 2! Picture Contest. Winners: Dusang and Blakelington Congratulations! Round 3! Coming Soon! So Far: Angelina Jolie Selena Gomez Emma Watson Rihanna
  14. Stuart


    Welcome to TRR! I also play some rugby, what position do you play? Glad to see your application was accepted and hope you enjoy your time at The Runescape Rebelz. Be sure to stay active on the forums though because it's just as important to stay connected here as it is IN-Game. Thanks ~Stuart
  15. Here you go! Enjoy! Thanks ~Stuart
  16. I made 3 versions! Take your pick! Enjoy Thanks ~Stuart
  17. Great Find. I went ahead and posted my threads similar to this without seeing this :L Very useful for all aspects of Signatures and Effects.
  18. I just like making them. No bother if they're not used. I take pleasure in looking at them LOL
  19. This is a topic where we can post tutorials or links to videos about GIMP or Photoshop or any other graphic design program that I have failed to mention. A couple websites I have used and still use are : http://www.pstuts.co...b_graphics.html http://abduzeedo.com/ http://gimper.net/viewforum.php?f=39 http://gimp-tutorials.net/ http://photoshoptutorials.ws/ Just a few familiar ones. GIMP was my foundation and I used it and used tutorials from gimp-tutorials for months. I also followed tutorials on youtube. GIMP Download (It's free!) http://www.gimp.org/ Thanks ~Stuart
  20. Whenever I do a project on Photoshop or GIMP there are always a few things I need to complete it or start it. Whether it's a signature or a youtube background here are some sites that can provide pre-rendered images, brushes,fonts and other things such as textures and stock backgrounds etc. DeviantArt. This doesn't require registration but registration can be useful to give feedback on downloaded items and upload pictures or artwork. http://www.deviantart.com/ I get most of my textures,brushes, stocks and fractal/c4ds from this website. It's a very useful place! There are some renders here but alot of pictures are drawings,paintings or digital art. Planetrenders. This place is awesome for renders and fractals. You need to register before you can download them, but all images have a transparent background and there are thousands of images to choose from. This is more for video games, cartoons, gamer renders. http://planetrenders.net/ Stock Exchange. This is a good website for stock images. It is linked to another premium stock website called iStock which do provide better quality stocks for a price. This website does have very good stock images but also requires registration. This is not like planetrenders though, pictures provided here are real life photography of people,scenery and objects. http://sxc.hu/ Fonts Usually if you know what font you want you can just type it into google and voila. These websites are free, no registration required and provide thousands of fonts to browse through and download. Great for every kind of signature or design when lacking a suitable style of text. I'm always stuck for suitable fonts and find myself coming bac and checking for that perfect style of writing! DaFont: http://www.dafont.com/ 1001Fonts: http://www.1001fonts.com/ Thanks ~Stuart
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