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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Prepare for the day when we are the last survivors If a bomb killed us all, there would be no survivors
  2. Pics of war in clan event reflections......

    1. Kaiden


      Can't wait to see which ones you use for advertisements ;)

    2. Stuart


      hehe, i didn't actually intend to use them :o now that you mention it though..ill get to work!

  3. On an island? How do you plan to get there if it's in the middle of the ocean. You dont live there now do you?Who said it was gonna be zombies. It could be airborne mutant insects.THINK AGAIN!
  4. Pre-War excitement. Who was fighting? Pre-War Fight The war from my skeleton. Annoying Guy. That's all I got for you guys. ~Stuart
  5. Stuart


    I was born in the year 1996, I'm 15 o_o How old are you? Why did you ask? I feel offended.
  6. Stuart


    I believe in proof basically. When someone has a theory they need to back it up. I would actually feel uncomfortable knowing there is a higher being watching you at all times. Some people believe God created the Big Bang, in that case, religion and science coincide. I don't believe in humans having a soul, I believe that out body is just our body. It is run by our brain and the blood and oxygen which is pumped around our body You get what I mean, do I have to go into further detail of how the body works? no one can [ever] prove to someone else if there is a higher power until they die So you're saying that when someone dies they find out if there is a higher being/God? So when I die, I will somehow still exist in a spiritual, non-earthly form? I believe death is just when the body can no longer function, it ceases to function in a way that provides human life so it dies. religion is an explanation of why ''why'' is a question asked when there is a reason. was there a reason for the world we know to be created? religion immediately assumes there must be; and this goes back to how it started LOL
  7. Ever seen those movies where there are only a couple of survivors? I was watching a great survival thriller called Pandorum. It got me thinking, what If this does happen one day? We can't be useless if we want to survive so I came up with a list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime in case this does happen. We need to survive don't we? How to fly a plane Be a Doctor Learn Kung-Fu,Martial Arts Fighting Skills etc Own alot of Weaponry and Ammunition like the father and daughter in Kick-Ass. Have some all-terrain vehicles. Have alot of money so if something happens like 2012 where you have to pay to survive. Know alot about people so you can detect lies. Hunting Skills. Added to the Inventory by Blakelington: map, compass, and air tanks/gas mask Aliath: touch up on my Biblical Hebrew (LULZWTF?) T Ranger101: burnett with D-cups :3 generator to play Runescape! Dusang: a blonde with a c-cup :3 Did I miss anything? Post your thoughts. ~Stuart
  8. oblivion was great when i discovered the duplication glitch. I loved enchanting all my stuff and being invisible lolI guess i liked it because it's similar to runescape in a way.You have alot of skills and you can level them up
  9. Stuart


    Yeah, alot of people were raised into a religion, sort of like family tradition I suppose.I don't believe in humans having a soul, I believe that out body is just our body. It is run by our brain and the blood and oxygen which is pumped around our body.When we die, there is nothing...our body stops functioning and there is no existence of us on the planet. We just simply cease to exist personally.Luck is a tricky subject, I believe it's simply chance, everything in the universe is affected by chance...when something good happens to us it is simply chance that it happened just like bad things...we dont call bad things luck because luck is based on good things in our mind.Luck is a term used to explain someone's success. It's lucky if a guy dropped 1mil in runescape and I picked it up, it's not. It's actually pure coincidence and chance that i was there at that time.
  10. Good Luck! How come you want more exp after 99? I know it puts you higher in the hi-scores and stuff but what's the point?
  11. Stuart


    Do you guys have a religion? Express your opinions about religion here!Well, alot of my family is Jehovah's Witness and I have been to a few meetings.I do studies every week with one of the brothers at a local kingdom hall, we read through books about Jehovah and his Word and we discuss the topics. I wouldn't say I am a Jehovah's Witness however, I am not baptised and I don't fulfill everything that a religion requires. For some reason I can't fathom religion. I don't understand enough about how God came to exist. It's impossible for him to just be there.If everything must have a beginning and end and alpha and omega, why is god an exception. An explanation to that was that God was outside of Time itself but I still can't come to terms with a sentient being that has existed with no beginning.I wouldn't describe myself as an atheist though, even though I always question religion personally and I do think science actually has proof of it's theories.The Bible...that's what people say is proof of God's existence. The Bible wasn't written by God though, it was 'inspired' by him.The thing about science is that it has physical proof for its discoveries.For example; every living thing is made up of cells.There is actually proof of a cell, we can actually see a cell.Has anyone seen God? People claim they have but there's no physical proof.Post thoughts.p.s I tend to ramble alot. Sorry LOL
  12. Like im walking along and some random guy goes, " Hey! Isn't that Stuart!? OMG it is! High Five."Like that. Because I iz so kewl.
  13. Try something different. Everyone wants to be a Str Pure, Range 2h, Summoning etc.After this I'm going for 40 Att80 Str40 Def60 Ranged60 Mage
  14. The Goal: Att 40/40 Str 46/80 Def 40/40 Hp 46/?? Ranged 50/80 Magic 60/60 Prayer 27/50 55/99 Fishing What am I doing now? Mining and Woodcutting.
  15. Oblivion. Skyrim is out in November!!
  16. There should be a feature where if someone spams the floor opens up underneath them and they fall down into an abyss. To fix not being able to see them just right click and select open image in new tab
  17. Maybe something more formal? I like the character based stuff, it's fun rendering the characters and adding them into creative scenarios lol.
  18. Didn't sleep at all last night because I decided to work-out just before bed. 4am this morning just messing about on Photoshop.Felt so tired at about 9 that I went to sleep.It's now 2pm and I still feel tired which means I'll probably sleep most of the dayMoral of the story, go to bed early :L
  19. meh, i got my xbox from ebay i think, ive had it for 2 years and its never broken down on me.it was also used.
  20. Welcome! Is your name IRL Fairy? o_O
  21. Couldn't sleep , decided to make something. Just a little experiment, figured it'd be good for advertising etc. I need to put a rectangle behind the animation because GIFs have trouble with transparency. I might find a way around it some time.
  22. It was nothing really, all I did was change the text and delete a few layers but you're welcome
  23. Here you go, hope it meets your requirements: ~Stuart do you want the bg changed? I deleted the backgrounds but didn't touch the button layers group, didn't specify.
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