I believe in proof basically. When someone has a theory they need to back it up. I would actually feel uncomfortable knowing there is a higher being watching you at all times. Some people believe God created the Big Bang, in that case, religion and science coincide. I don't believe in humans having a soul, I believe that out body is just our body. It is run by our brain and the blood and oxygen which is pumped around our body You get what I mean, do I have to go into further detail of how the body works? no one can [ever] prove to someone else if there is a higher power until they die So you're saying that when someone dies they find out if there is a higher being/God? So when I die, I will somehow still exist in a spiritual, non-earthly form? I believe death is just when the body can no longer function, it ceases to function in a way that provides human life so it dies. religion is an explanation of why ''why'' is a question asked when there is a reason. was there a reason for the world we know to be created? religion immediately assumes there must be; and this goes back to how it started LOL