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Posts posted by Aliath

  1. I like the weird boob enlargement in the second video, but dislike all the Japanese. Regarding the third video, I don't have a PS3 sadly. Looks mighty fun though. I'm in need of a new possible MMORPG to get me out of the mood of WoW.

    It's a Japanese game, like many other beloved RPGs. There is no English trailer because, like most Japanese games, it'll be released there first. There will be an English version, rest assured.AND IT ISN'T AN MMO!!! xD
  2. Here are two amazing games for the RPG fanatic.

    Phantasy Star Online

    Let me start by saying that Phantasy Star Universe is a bunch of crap.

    This, dear reader, is my favorite game of all time. Released in 2000, this Dreamcast game (which has been ported to the PC, Gamecube, and others) was the first of it's kind: An online console game. Don't be put off by it's release date, though-- the PC version looks better and has been updated, so to speak (new class, etc) and the game itself has aged beautifully. You wouldn't be able to tell that it's so old (well, most of the time.) The gameplay, storyline, music and artwork are all amazing.

    It's an online fantasy/futuristic RPG, but by no means is it an MMO. Players start out in a lobby where they begin a game (with up to three other players, which is recommended), which then teleports them to the spaceship/colony PIONEER II. From there, they can access shops, an infirmary, a bank, etc. But the main attraction is the teleporter which beams you down to the surface -or subterranean levels, depending on how far you've progressed- of the planet Ragol. Now, onto classes.

    Classes are divided into three categories: Hunters (melee weapons), Rangers (ranged weapons) and Force (techniques, or magic.) Each category allows you to choose between several classes divided between three races: Humans (ability to learn techniques, can be poisoned/paralyzed), CAST (cannot learn techniques, can see traps, immune to poison/paralysis) and Newmans (like humans, but are more apt with techniques.) The game allows for much customization, and you can even download your own custom skin.

    This game is free.


    And here's a look at the much-anticipated Phantasy Star Online 2.


    Demon's Souls

    Not for the faint of heart. Some of you have probably heard of this critically-acclaimed game renowned for it's sheer difficulty. Veterans of RPGs only. You're in for a lot of frustration and tension.


  3. Bane will make a decent villain, but I don't think it can beat the Joker. Still think Nolan will make it a decent movie.

    Bane, I find, is a lot more interesting than Joker. But can Tom Hardy's performance beat Heath Ledger's? That's where I have my doubts. :P
  4. I joined TRR on a no requirement standard, I like the idea. At one point in time I would have called for a total level/combat level requirement to try and enforce activity. But I believe another requirement that has nothing to do with levels should come into play. Forum activity 'posts per month/week' And event attendance % depending on the amount of events held within the calendar month. This would still hold true to therebelz being a no level requirement clan, but would still enforce activity to a certain degree. You could also, instead of accepting all people, put them on a probationary period such as trial member to see how active they are. Giving them a set % of events and number of forum posts to do within a 2 week period before becoming a full fledged member. That not only would show if a person was active or not, but it would also get them into the loop of meeting people, posting, and attending events.

    I fullheartedly agree (especially with the bit about stricter application procedures.) :D
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