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Posts posted by Aliath

  1. He was, until very recently, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, which is the Official Opposition.

    The NDP is a social-democratic party. Here's a list of some of its principles and policies, taken from Wikipedia.

    [*]Gender equality and equal rights for LGBT residents

    [*]Improving environmental protection through government regulations

    [*]National water safety standards

    [*]Increasing corporate taxes[6]

    [*]Reducing poverty in Canada[7]

    [*]Aggressive human rights protection

    [*]Expanding funding for public transportation

    [*]Expanding public health care, including dental and prescription drug coverage

    [*]Social assistance policies that reflects citizens' needs and assist their re-entry to the work force

    [*]Abolishing the unelected Senate of Canada and ensuring more proportional representation[8]

    [*]Workers' rights including raising the minimum wage to pace the cost of living

    [*]Aboriginal peoples' treaty, land, and constitutional rights

    [*]A foreign policy that emphasizes diplomacy, peacekeeping, and humanitarian aid instead of offensive military action

    [*]Renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    [*]One wing is focused on ending the Canadian War on Drugs and legalizing recreational drugs[9]

    [*]Lowering taxes for small businesses

    Jack Layton was a truly amazing guy. Very charismatic and optimistic... There aren't many politicians like him.

  2. Would you be interested in leading the team, Aliath? Lord knows Delly shouldn't.

    I'd be glad to run it. I wouldn't really need any help, though. I enjoy writing, doing interviews, editing... Pretty much everything the job entails. I've got plenty of ideas to keep the newsletter entertaining and, more importantly, useful. My only request, however, is to allow me to accept/decline applications to the team. As I said before; I don't really need that much help. And every time I get involved in something like this, it ends up being crowded with members who either don't know what they're doing or don't do anything.(Hell, there doesn't even have to be a team.)
    • Upvote 1
  3. Damn. I've let the stockholders down. No more vacation for me.

    I'd be willing to purchase stocks from MSTR if you were to show me some sort of guarantee of your activity in the near future? Maybe, hmm, a gift of sorts? A favor? *extremely suggestive wink*
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