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Posts posted by Aliath

  1. Err...you realize Christianity is a direct evolution of Judaism? Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, and the very first Christians were all Hebrew/Jews.

    You should travel back to the middle ages and tell that to the Catholic Church.

    People often do things in the name of Christendom of which Christ would most likely disapprove.

    Bill Maher said it best: "They're not followers of Christ... They're just fans."

  2. I believe in proof basically. When someone has a theory they need to back it up.

    I would actually feel uncomfortable knowing there is a higher being watching you at all times.

    Some people believe God created the Big Bang, in that case, religion and science coincide.

    I don't believe in humans having a soul, I believe that out body is just our body. It is run by our brain and the blood and oxygen which is pumped around our body

    You get what I mean, do I have to go into further detail of how the body works?

    no one can [ever] prove to someone else if there is a higher power until they die

    So you're saying that when someone dies they find out if there is a higher being/God?

    So when I die, I will somehow still exist in a spiritual, non-earthly form?

    I believe death is just when the body can no longer function, it ceases to function in a way that provides human life so it dies.

    religion is an explanation of why

    ''why'' is a question asked when there is a reason.

    was there a reason for the world we know to be created?

    religion immediately assumes there must be; and this goes back to how it started LOL

    I agree. What I'm saying, though, is I'd rather have people going around saying that as opposed to "Science is a lie, God is an absolute truth! Convert or eat lead!"
  3. Let's hear it for Oblivion and Skyrim! Skyrim is going to be AMAZING. So pumped for it. Bethesda deserves every award they get for the Elder Scroll Series. Beautifully made.

    Skyrim looks amazing. I love the prospect of being able to play in third-person mode without it being retarded. :P
  4. I'm an atheist, and I think believing that some sort of deity exists is foolish. I like to think that that's the case-- it's very comforting.

    But in the back of my mind I know that I'll only know when I'm dead. Or not.

    Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against religious people. Some of the people I respect most are devout Christians. One of them once said, "Science is an explanation of how things work, and religion is an explanation of why." That being said, I think religion doesn't have to be inherently harmful-- but I do think we'd be better off without it. Religion can make people do good things, but it also makes good people do bad things.

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