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Posts posted by Aliath

  1. McDonalds can carry some pretty weird stuff sometimes, if that counts.

    I ate lobster at McDonalds when I lived in Nova Scotia. It's disgusting. I love lobster-- but that was a travesty. A lot of fast food restaurants here sell poutine. :P
  2. Rush is the greatest band of all time! ;)

    For you, Mono, Crazycow and David. :D There is no shame in taking a picture of yourself in your basement with the sole purpose of posting it on an RS board.

    Posted Image

    Maybe just a little.

  3. Separatists are dumbasses.

    Manitoba, Canada

    You're one to talk, prairie dog!

    Just kidding. I'm not biased against western Canada. Just conservatives. No correlation between the two. Sort of.

    Well, no more separatists in Quebec! BQ has fallen, and the NDP has gained overwhelming support here. :P

  4. What's the point of Minecraft? Not to sound mean, I'm just wondering.

    It's actually pretty fun, building gigantic structures with the resources you've gathered. Shaping the earth and bending the environment to your will. My computer's a piece of shit, so I can't run Minecraft properly. When I get a new computer I'm going to join this server and build a replica of Orthanc.
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