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Everything posted by Deus

  1. Grats buddy! Keep up the good work!
  2. I would wear a verac plateskirt in there too
  3. Event: Recruiting Walk Where: Falador W93 Date: June 14 We will walk through clan camp down through draynor to Lumbridge castle, then up towards Varrock and around the ge. After that, those of us that are P2p will do the same thing on our other home world 64. Lets get us some new recruits to show off our new forums to!!! TIME CHART ----------------------------- 7:30 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 3:30 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 1:30 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 12:30 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 10:30 a.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 9:30 a.m. Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  4. Wow good thing u weren't on it. Are the people who were flying it alright?
  5. Laters man, have fun see u soon.
  6. TBH I would also like to see a weekly or bi weekly random skilling event, which is polled the week before the event is to take place.
  7. no competition, the task cape emote is the best emote in the game. hands down. though it isnt a skill its still the best.
  8. Blake will come back to us watch and see! he cant stay gone for too long.
  9. mono im going to need an invite to the cc, and then you can give me recruiting rights. i left the cc after i helped form it and i am on more than most so it would make sense.
  10. Deus


    welcome back bro
  11. I think mono was saying he had the recruiting powers as well.
  12. well, if you are bossing or training without using brew/restores, then hell yes. 30m is not much.
  13. Imo if you like pvp, ss is more usefull then turm.
  14. Sorry I had my issues that prevented me from being there right at that moment! We'll throw an arma/bandos trip for laters?
  15. Yeah that would be pretty fun. Ive only been once myself, but with a smaller group of people and it didnt turn out so well.
  16. Deus


    Thanks mono Its too bad Kaiden is speechless, but I suppose all that brown kaka looking stuff in his mouth smells pretty bad and he doesnt want anybody else to smell it!
  17. This looks like an amped up version of your old guide mono Nice!
  18. I agree with that mono, cwa is pretty fun.
  19. Sounds like it will be a load of fun, though i disagree with the way they will cut the xp gains inside the citadel.
  20. I think rev trips are fun, and you can make some pretty decent cash doing them with all the corrupt drops and possible vls drop.
  21. I would really like to see a mass corp trip or two. I think it would be a fun time.
  22. sure snap a shot of my typo!!!!! nooob. >.>
  23. best ive ever gotten was a saradomin platebody
  24. welcome back now!
  25. You can be my friend pinhead.
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