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Everything posted by Dusang

  1. Received 16 barrows items from chests.
  2. 2nd one is Emma Watson.
  3. Was hoping Blex started this so I could tell him to quit bitching.Oh well. PS Good luck.
  4. High leveled fishing content would be nice. I guess.Firemaking has the adze, which is atleast a little useful.
  5. Thanks everybody. 2 more hours of barrowing and I'll have the first days progress up.
  6. Reserved for profit, items, etc._________________________________Day #17 hours 59 minutes34 trips2,959,253 GPAverage trip time: 14.11 Minutes
  7. Hey guys! Today, I've decided to take on a huge challenge! I will study, compile, and provide the first accurate statistics centered around barrows and its rewards. Stipulations placed around research: Minimum hours spent barrowed to consider statistics accurate: 150 hours Average time spent barrowing a day: 6 hours All times will be recorded. All drops will not be sold or distributed until atleast 150 hours of barrowing have been done. I will provide photographic proof of all findings. (ie drops, etc) All information compiled, if used, should be credited to myself before doing so. I will update this thread every day with progress, time spent, and items gained. I will not calculate rune costs/rune gains, etc. Doesn't interest me. I will be using a ring of wealth. You can keep track of my progress here: http://services.runescape.com/m=adventurers-log/display_player_profile.ws?searchName=D+the+Tiger&submit= Goals in doing this research: I will calculate percentages pertaining to how often any particular barrows item is looted. I will calculate the average amount of items required to obtain any barrows item. I will calculate my own personal average run-time. I will calculate average hourly profits. The way I will be doing so is compiling a list of average total earnings each day and then average each daily average, and also, adding the total earnings and dividing it by the total time. Both methods could provide some interesting insight. Though they should be fairly similar. (I'd like some input on how you predict either of these calculations to work out) Future plans: I plan to have this posted on both tip.it and xp-waste by the end of this month. If anyone can make me some graphics for the thread, you will be credited and I'd be extremely appreciative. Perhaps a portion of the final profits could be yours? I will hold a massive give-a-way at the end of this study in which I will distribute around 10m of the total profit. (I will allow TRR to host and distribute these funds, if they want) How can you trust the accuracy of my research? I've worked at multiple labs compiling, recording and assessing information for the past 3 years. I'll do my best to provide you with accurate, thoroughly checked, double-checked and triple-checked information.
  8. Deus and CC are both awesome. Congratulations.
  9. Wasn't making fun of you. Just saying, it was a little hard to understand. I also don't see how making fun of the way you talk has anything to do with you being banned...?@BlakelingtonThat's a wonderful point. There will always be an opportunity cost. However, worrying about and addressing those costs is equally important. We should minimize those opportunity costs and the only way to do so is to have people like Mono who address aforementioned problems and bring them to those who can fix them's attention. I hope that made sense.
  10. Kinda relieved to hear this. Partly because I was tired of hearing about a situation I never cared to understand and partly because anyone's personal progress is worth celebrating.Good job, random guy.
  11. Your understanding of the word "ban" is pretty lacking, Muscle. Banning is where your account is made unavailable to you by Jagex.
  12. I killed Drunk twice. He never killed me. :(I have a feeling he was going easy on me!
  13. Nothing is unbottable and when it does become bottable the minigame is ruined. Take dung - it's supposed to be unbottable yet bots account for a large percentage of experience earned a day. More than half. (20,000 users, last time I checked) They also monopolize frost dragons, in which case the bots were undoubtedly botted entirely up using a dungeoneering bot. I do, however, believe you have a point. They need to make more untradeable, useful, high-leveled rewards. (Similar to chaotics) Bots cannot ruin and affect the economy if these things are made available. It'd make botting more of a multi-tiered effort in which case those who wish to bot would have a harder time obtaining multiple bots. If you were to make each requirement a variety of skills, bosses, etc it could work out. You don't see anyone botting task-lists or clue scrolls, yet they have some wonderful rewards and do a lot to further a player's personal progress. High-tiered untradeable armor has yet to be released. Boss drops should be secondary earnings that provide a means to an untradeable end. Resource skills should always be a primary method of economy. Not armor or equipment. Equipment should be the fruits of hard work and time, not getting lucky at a boss. Skills should contribute to a gain, not become obsolete because of a change.
  14. Prices do need to go down, just not tank.It should be a viable money-making option but it shouldn't consume the market and allow the rich to get even richer. It needs to be secondary and dependent upon resource-skills; not the other way around.
  15. Usually have friends chat off because the CC is annoying.
  16. Its amazing.Dustindusang is my name.
  17. Dusang

    Weird Food

    Uh..this thread has sufficiently disgusted me.
  18. A woman to spend those lonely terror-filled nights with.Preferably a blond with a c-cup.
  19. Dusang


    You can ban other people? Sweet.
  20. Yeah the maul is sounding more and more inviting. I'm really looking for a new good source of income and that may be tds. I only have a 15m cashpile left.
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