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Everything posted by Dusang

  1. The cls hardly outdpses the CR at bosses even. I don't see the slight dps increase as justification for the waste of 200k tokens.Well, Void. That's some pretty good reasoning there. I despise range but it is useful I suppose.
  2. No, no joke. Maybe I just attract that sorta stuff.
  3. Bot discussions are too common and extremely annoying. Especially within this clan. I mean, as often as I'm on, bots are always mentioned, condoned and BRAGGED about. Why does it have to be a topic of conversation? Its honestly the only thing that's ever made me legitimately want to quit the clan at one point in time. No one cares if you bot, stop being arrogant enough to assume anyone cares.
  4. What should it be?I have the rapier. I'm sorta debating maul or ccbow.I'm looking for some good pvm stuff, I don't pvp. Is there a large assortment of monsters the maul does well against? Or is strictly pvp?Is the ccbow only good for next/arma or does it do well in other situations? (I don't even have 80 range but I could get it pretty easy)So! Gimme your opinions, thanks. I should have 200k tokens in like 4 days. Hopefully.
  5. It will always be Recipe for Disaster.
  6. I'm going on a lecture tour to various parts of Louisiana and talking to kids as school starts so I'll be a bit busy until...the 12th. I'll have my laptop but I may not find the time, this is just in case I don't.Leaving in an hour. In any case, thanks for your time, and junk. Later!
  7. I think this is Delly's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mzEnBy8alg
  8. Uh, I just had to pay for school but I can spare 5 bucks, I guess.
  9. Yeah, Terravilla did a great job on the first war. Every time I turned around he was doing consistent damage and on the right person, while taking some pretty heavy damage and managing to live. I dunno. I was pretty impressed.(Thanks for the tanking thing, I was pretty proud lasting for more than 3 of their people)In any case, giving up on Deus was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. It was fun. Hopefully we have more soon.
  10. Dusang


    Believing in science doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form that you cannot believe in a higher being. The two entities are not contradictory or in direct conflict. Science is knowledge and religion is the method we use to explain everything we do not know. The moment we know something, it is immediately taken out of the realm of religion and the religion adapts. Religion is not static. If we interpret dogma in such a way that it contradicts any tangible evidence or explanation, we are wrong. Religion is not wrong; our interpretation of the doctrine is wrong. All of that aside, I believe fully in a higher being but I do not know everything about that being. I'd categorize myself as a hopeful agnostic. I'd love to have a God as explained in most of the religions today, but I'm not fully convinced by any. My Mormon girlfriend is trying to monopolize on that fact but I've grown to resent the Mormon church. She's left me because of their teachings before. She always came back though, so oh well.
  11. Fishing mastery. Firemaking mastery. 1800+ total. 110+ Combat. 150+ quests.
  12. I'd quit if there were requirements. Placing emphasis on community is why I joined the clan and the moment I recognize a hindrance to the development, or a stipulation placed around that progression, I'd be inclined to leave. (I'm not hurling ultimatums around, this is simply just my opinion and my, personal, idea of what a clan should be. I hold no animosity towards anyone that wants requirements or the people who have them. It's just not how I play.)Having a more in-depth PERSONALITY-based application process? Sure.Have requirements pertaining to Runescape? No thanks.If anything, we should focus on developing a more welcoming, kind community that doesn't talk about botting/cheating at all hours of the day. (I don't care if you do it, but you're arrogant if you expect anyone to care, much less comment on how cool you are for doing it.)The message I received when I joined was that everyone was kind and mature and most of you are but...then again, a whole helluva lot of people aren't.My 2 cents.
  13. There's a rightclick option on Opera.Right click ~> SourceEdit whatcha want.
  14. Got 10 on herbs and 5 on mahogany because I'm working on herblore and construction, at the moment. I'm not sure about the figures but mahogany is 5x the cost of Maple so they're not too bad profit-wise either, though I know they're not the best. I can do without seeds.
  15. The words "hell yeah" come to mind.
  16. I'm the only one who uses the whole?
  17. It's been the Fishing cape since 2007 when I tried to get it the first time. It's coming to an end now.Now my goal is to be entirely self-sufficient and not rely on the GE. Not going to go straight-up DIY though. Just more of an on-principle kind of thing. Afterwards, I honestly have no idea what I want. 90 attack and 90 def for now.
  18. We have the same exact goals. Good luck, and if you're not in it for profit, powerfishing will always be faster heh (Fish 1, drop 1) but Rocktails are insane profit, so it's a pretty fair trade-off. Still 15-30k experience an hour is just kind of torture, heh.
  19. Dusang


    GT: DstroixrLoL: DustinDusang
  20. You could have multiple rounds and conjure up clever hints to help them find you. It's always more fun when you have something to go off of or something to figure out. Not just running around RS hoping to spot someone.
  21. Best choreographed fight scenes I've ever seen.Ong Bak is on Netflix if you have it.
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