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Everything posted by drunkenfaith

  1. i like shooting star and i have a telescope any day is fine with me add me in game to get this event going
  2. yea 1st fight we won a 3vs 8 battle then 2nd one we got own by almosyt same numbers so yea we need a bigger pull next time
  3. well as i figure not many were on for the clan wars pratice but those who were thank you for comming mono,voidz,myself,blake and 1 more i cant remember sorry hope we can have a better pull next time
  4. Roman here but u can call me faithy
  5. count me in btw do we have a warlord yet
  6. grr been killing jadinkos since it came out and still no while vine ;( but i will not give up lol
  7. still too early to tell but im still killing for one just so ic an have one i guess if u fighting a monster that does not move it will help some still got to test it out
  8. kool mono ill pm for invite ;D
  9. yea all we need are some events im itching for some blood at clan wars lol ;D but thast me
  10. an early grats hopefully ill be on to party
  11. i like rc, summoning, and pray i got first 2 but soon ill get pray
  12. GWD- armaGWD- Bandosmaybe f2p pking trips just for funmaybe clan war pratice(1 per week) btw would be nice to have clan capes :Donce new update we can have event with whole clan
  13. nice to be back hope i dont get denied ima cry ;(
  14. RuneScape Name: DrunkenFaithCombat Level:138Total Level:2342Membership Status (P2P or F2P):p2pAge: how old is the earth :)Timezone:mountainAnything else you want to tell us: if there is anything i can help with or if any one need help just ask
  15. sup bro hey for some reason i cant post an application :Dis that thread closed?

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