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Everything posted by drunkenfaith

  1. im honor now give me my moneys heheh jk
  2. love that random hehe think he kill me once lol i was a noob
  3. found this kill from sneasl gj
  4. not showing for me as well
  5. woot love this mini game i think we need to explain how to play that mini game to superman i think after a game i saw him with lowest score but i can be wrong maybe it was tomas but great event and gf me die many times hehe ;D
  6. for me slayer made me good cash, and farming is making me lots of cash too, i havent boss hunt in a while cause i wanted some skilling capes but after fish im sure ill do more plus clues give good rewards just not many liek to do them
  7. darn was looking forward to it lets us know what items we going to fight with so i can buy them ;D
  8. gj TRR hopefully ill be done with fish soon n join more events ;D
  9. gl guys hope u get 10000000 hilts n share all with me heheh jk
  10. hopefully 99 in a few weeks i hope ;D
  11. true will be a nice experiance since last time i play sc was in a non-combat world so if we do combat we can train pkign there
  12. havent play sc in a while actually i might be able to make it to this event lets hope i dont get a called to get my butt to work
  13. love the summ ge update so far in top 10 updates ;D
  14. dang it too early for em at work
  15. maybe a noob like me can apply for council
  16. o yea we been playign together since she was 5 years old we played starcraft and later diablo2
  17. welcome to the clan hope tou have lots of fun even if u only play on the weekends ;D
  18. awsome gl with hunter i hated doing falconary
  19. here are my masteriesstr,def,att,farm,rc,herb,magic,constuction,hp,cooking,fletch,wc,slayer,summ total lvl 2350 and 288 quest points ;D
  20. good job to everyone who was there, got a few kills lots of running chaos, lots of fun hope next time there will be more people i think i miss some one i still got some loot share let me know if any of u didnt get any
  21. hey traag who do i have to kill to get a awards bar box hehe ;D
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