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Everything posted by drunkenfaith

  1. too bad no good drops im sure nest will be hilt or better yet arma helm hehe
  2. Wish i was there too bad was at work hope to make it next time
  3. nice i might try this ;D havent done mith drags since slay cape hehe
  4. cooking or fletching those are easiest capes to get
  5. you take gift cards ;D have a few just laying around in my room
  6. nice was in vent but no one on hehe ;D
  7. great job looking forwards to next clan war/practice
  8. i actually need a awards bar got none and u can add all badges plz
  9. sounds good it will be like taking a break from fishing
  10. i say no req we had this issue like 8 months ago n if im not mistaken we lost a few members thast all i got to say
  11. and here the actual cash value of those items 4,500,982 so a profit of over 3 mill plus exp if i want to make pots or farm them here is more [/url
  12. this is my kingdom for 3 weeks and paying 565k per week
  13. try blex but when i did that for some freaking reason i kept getting low lvl tree seeds which are pretty much worthless althought the nest were good but i rather that maxx herb and rest trees
  14. those quest are easy just a lot of runnin in misc
  15. maxxed herbs and rest in wc
  16. this is bad another fail clan wars pratice with only 2-3 players on
  17. yes it is i make about 200k+ per trip depending on what i farm its easy also add to the run limps which after harvest u get 3 limps tootsLIMP SEED= 52 GPlimp ROOT= 495 each3 x 495 = 1485LIMP SEED= 52 ----- 1433gp profit per patch might seem liek much but after a while it all adds up for somehting that takes less then 10 minutes to do a farm runALSO dont forget kingdom you can get good amount of herbs,tree seeds etc good stuff for no work
  18. 99 fish atm 91 doing rocktailsquest cape only 13 quests 2 gowish me luck hopefully i dont kill myself first B)
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