l0l void this is oranges remember when we were killing bots about a month ago at castle wars ivy? Murlock was there chopping ivy and never answered when I said hi hmm maybeee...
I found out about this area a month ago, never been there though. I hope it's part of the sequel to wgs (which I think it might be from what I know about it). I guess we'll just have to wait and see..
My favorite quest is While Guthix Sleeps. It wasn't boring and had a great storyline and boss fights,only problem was that it took 5 hours to beat lol.
I get so many different responses from people..but which one is really worth the time to get first?Overloads would cost me around 155m to get with the method i'm using and turmoil would be about 111mI'm thinking about getting one of these goals in the next month or two for some boss hunting..or maybe pking with turmoil (maybe i'll fail less?)