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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

    1. Fergal
    2. Huygens


      you just have a shitty pc, dont you ?:D

  2. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  3. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  4. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  5. Oh yes, yes i can go around and stock people unnoticeably ;)

  6. David, for christmas i give you the gift of the #1 Poster on the forums! Merry christmas everyone!

  7. David has beaten my amounts of posts on the forums. I'm sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      You seem pretty confident I will. Okay probably...

    3. FunnyPirate


      Noob :D back guys, fuck school

    4. Fergal


      MusclePirate! Good to see everyone coming back for Christmas. :)

  8. I voted, I may not be active, but i will always be a extra hand to help
  9. Happy birthday TRR, 13 more years and you will be legal
  10. If anyone needs anything or someone to take their spot for something just text me, 678 862 4769. I really don't care about giving my number out

    1. Fergal


      Guests can see these Status Updates I believe, be careful!

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Very very true... haha xD Thanks for the heads up ferg.

  11. I almost cried reading Davids thread on here. I would hate to see OUR clan die, yet I feel better after reading everyone elses comments about how they are dedicated to make the clan a success again! I've been here for 3 years and since day one, I've enjoyed every bit of it! Personally i think of it this way, "The clan" is like "The Hood" I live on and all our "Members" (all of you) are like my "Neighbors". If some company was gonna tear down OUR "hood" i would be pissed and fight to keep it there, because that's where all my fond memories of the past occurred. Just remember, its not the name of the clan that makes the clan, its the people, such as You and Me! I promise, at the beginning I will come back to help out. Even if I'm too late, I'll hunt you guys down and attempt to Revive the clan and we all can rebuild it together. Yet, I'm sure that when I'm back, that the clan will be 200% stronger :PP.S: I love you guysP.P.S: David is the Crazy landlord that demands rent on time. <3 just kidding
  12. I knew you were crazy :o

  13. "The Rebelz were, are and hopefully will be an amazing clan as it has turned out to be for the last (Please insert number here) years! You can meet new people from different parts of not only the United States, but from over the world! When I first joined, it was my first clan, and probably will be my last till my dieing breath, and no, i'm not talking about dieing breath as in Runescape life, because im a noob (level 78) and i die easily because i'm sensitive... Anyway! The clan has an amazing staff, which I use to be apart of, and the staff works greatly together to bring you the best experience at all possible! So please join us, talk in our forums, enjoy the corny yet funny jokes, communicate in the IRC and have a blast of a time!"T_Ra..... What the Hell, just call me Sean
  14. I would like a shiny 500 Posts award :3 also -1 Rep plox?
  15. Haha hey guys But i enjoyed all your inputs so i gave you all +1 reps xD But yeah fergy, you should totally try BF3, or rent it at least first to make sure its your type of game. It has a more "Real" feel to gaming than CoD but its not everyone's #1 choice, so try it out first and then determine!
  16. Aw, i dont have any of those qualities except the Testacular part
  17. Hello my name is Sean, I am not a whore. But I do love me some Battlefield 3 because I kill noobs all the time <3
  18. Lol'd too hard hahaha. Also 85 thank you for mentioning me 85 For Council ;D
  19. Been waiting for this day for a long time. 500 Post award Please <3 Thank you David!
  20. They are simply awesome, thats what. lol
  21. Tyler, did you like my Obama Goes to Africa Picture on facebook? Lolololol
  22. Guys listen im sorry this is so short noticed, but my friend died in a car accident thursday and died on immediate impact. His funeral is today and i will be in no Mental state to get on the computer or talk to anyone. I'm very sorry this is short noticed. I hope someone can do this for me. I am so so sorry
  23. Thank you all for the prayers and the beer (tynisa lolol), My fathers health is getting better slowly. :)

    1. Tynisa


      Beer always helps.

      I went a little too far and had a couple Whiskey's for him too. It sounds like it did the trick though. No need to thank me my brother.

    2. T ranger101
    3. Tynisa


      Get your ass on GoW3. By this, i mean BUY IT DEWD.

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