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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. And the same to you, my english friend!
  2. My father is in the hospital, please pray for him

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Timber Wolfs

      Timber Wolfs

      What's his first name? I'll include him in my prayers every day and night. Hope he gets well soon man.

    3. DOLfan


      All my thoughts and prayers are going out to him. Hope he gets better real soon.

    4. rebelmal


      Hoping he gets well soon, my thoughts are with you.

  3. Personnally i dont care anymore, Also since I'm a HS Graduate it makes it "Easier" on not denying that I play Runescape. Personally gaming is my hobby and Runescape is my like favorite in the category. Honestly, if your friends are gonna make fun of you for doing your hobby, then dude GET SOME NEW FRIENDS. :] Basically everyone knows that I play runescape, I'll put a status or two sometimes on facebook (though i never tag anyone in my runescape status's because i understand their lack of self confidence). My aquantances, friends, best friends, Katie, My parents, my church and my family know it. :] Runescape basically helps show others who I am and so does video gaming, so why hide your real self from others? Be happy who you are! :]
  4. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? Thats a good question. Lets find out! Onne, twooooo, threeeee! *Crunch* Threeee!
  5. Horde mode was amazing, i like how you have to earn your executions now by having a certain amount of kills with that gun. Also the Cleaver Execution is BAD ASS! I definitly like how it has Boss Rounds now :3
  6. I KNOW RIGHT?!?! Horde is gonna be amazing! My friend has it pre ordered and im picking it up tonight at the midnight release! I hope to see you guys at the Game Stop at Lawrenceville, Georgia right next to the Wal-Mart. Please come and pay me a visit <3
  7. Thats why I invited you back because I missed you <3
  8. Sounds pretty awesome. Ill take a pic of the emote if i can for people to see
  9. Sorry delly, but still you're putting you and whoevers account in Danger of being banned if anyone knew about it or had "Proof" of it
  10. Yeah they were just all talk in the irc, dont think anyone did it as well.Still personally, i wouldn't want to see "Let me get on M***'s account and tank/call/fight" on the IRC, FC/CC or Public Chat. Just looking out for the clans rep. Good Practice war though TRR.
  11. Why the fuck are some of our own members doing account sharing to participate in a damn war? This disgusts me to NO end
  12. Thinking about Stepping down possibly :(

  13. No man, im totally content. Do as you see fit
  14. Im gonna have to agree with zeph on that one
  15. Corrected.P.S: Thought the time chart was just a Example Given.
  16. Thank you for your appology Void, I understand what you mean. Im gonna edit and Delete that comment. Forget it even happened.
  17. Sadly i Lol'd. But im sorry.
  18. Started playing it today with my friends and im on a non stop journey to make the Capital Building in Washington, DC! (Not exactly how it looks, but somewhat!)
  19. T ranger101


    Glad to have you in our clan! Don't worry, you aren't the noob of the clan, i am Hope you have an amazing time here!
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