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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. my bad, i didnt read it fully. i still think its not approved, but im not 100% sure.
  2. State of Decay got banned didn't it? IDK, i'll stick to living in the UK.
  3. He has already been nerfed, he is still strong-ish. Thats why raka is kinda bad, unless its run in a specific teamcomposition, where the aim is to never stop laning, and just push all day (In theory) Oh well, give Sona or Nami a shot if you like the healing aspect, it will give you a lot more options for in and out of the laning phase - which equals funnnnnnnnnnnnn. ---- Haha Nathan, Kenan and Kel was STRONGEST SHOW EVER
  4. It works, but it mostly works against people who don't understand how to deal with it. Soraka has her early issues, and after her heal is down, there is a 10+ second time span where you can all-in her, and there isnt much she can do. She also doesnt do much if your jungler comes to gank, as its obvious when she is baiting. In teamfights she can't do much for her carry after a heal, and her ult heal. Basically, other supports can do what soraka does, but then are actually useful in teamfights, and can apply more to a lane. <3
  5. All the children here would not know of this amazing show. I lie, they would, they know everything. Apart from Brad, Brad stupid. --- Soraka is god awful, if you DO like to have heals in lane, Sona is a lovely champ to pick up. The fun part is, a few of the "tanks" do damage without building damage. I play on EU-W, feel free to add me if you ever fancy playing. Pangoon / Disco Pangoon are my two accounts.
  6. I play League of Legends. How is Kel?
  7. Please be careful on this site. There is a man named Brad, and he has a habit of spamming and making bad guides. Try and ignore his stupid ass and you will find your stay here very pleasant.
  8. Tynisa

    Cube World

    your mom doesnt count. -- on topic, i cant run it, it wont work with "integrated intel graphics card" - i know whatcha thinking, thats very specific, surely you will be okay you sexy mother fucker? you are wrong, i have the exact thing that means it wont run. fuck cubes
  9. I caught it from this slag who called herself "brads mum", she was holidaying in thailand like me, too
  10. Hi. Brad is the most retarded person on these forums. I will not play the game, because i have a piece of shit laptop. I like to muse about the forums and add generally nothing useful to posts.
  11. Its in the "under" section of the quests bit, so if that means it counted as complete, then thats very nice. I managed to carry on, so lets say i got lucky. Are there any places i shouldn't just go and clear for fun, that can end up being important? I've just killed my first dragon, if that gives you an idea of how far into the game i am - oh, i lie, i just did a quest to kill a skull staff thing, that was making people have bad dreams.
  12. So i am like level 10, and at level 3, cos im a fucking badass, i clear out the um .. vanaraara something cliffs, castle, some shit like that. I do it with a bow and arrow, cos im a mother fucking genious, and it means i only had to tackle the big badass guy on his own - instead of fighting him i lured him to the top of the building, and knocked him off. Im 99% sure it was a fluke, or a fuck up in the AI - he charged me and just went flying off the edge to his doom. Anyway, whatever, thats not the problem. I went to join the Companions guild, because even though i will probably never need most of the shit they give me, i think i might need the one handed trainer at some points - and hey, quests are fun! First quest from .. um .. Vasomething guy, tells me to go kill the bandit leader - but the dumb shit tells me to kill the bandit leader i have already slain, WITHOUT the quest. Idk, their news must be way old or some shit, So i fast travel, to see the gay little arrow above the dead leaders head, and me getting no quest completed, i even take all his clothes off so he is now a dead butt naked guy in the river, but alas, still no quest complete. Anyway, i fast travel back to whiterun, leg it back to the guild and get another quest - does it even matter that i dont think the other quest completed, or at least i never picked up any reward? --- this is actually real, despite my bad way of telling it.
  13. i changed my mind. im going to play with the art of stealth. this is why i don't play these types of games anymore, im far too fucking in-decisive. gawd

    1. Tynisa


      ok i can tag now

  15. nothing here interests me i thought you should know
  16. just so you know, ppl only join cos of me and brads massive schlongs
  17. If only i had a better computer. For when i do, i will quit my job, i will tell my gf to fuck off, i will wear no clothing, i will not bathe, and i will become emperor of everything.
  18. i bought that game, found out i could never be bothered to understand the leveling system, looted a few houses and did nothing else.
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