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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Topic ^.Seriously, why do we even care?What are the actual gains that are citadel-only activities?I am yet to be convinced, so please - give me a good enough reason to even want to participate in the 1k horiffic grind.
  3. XBL: Bovine BearI play shooters, anything that is actually good. BFBC2/3 GoW2/3 Of course that rules out all you connection loving CoD fans.
  4. Well, here is my proof i helped out in the citadel. Just me and my TerrorBird chilling and cutting some wood. It's pretty easy to get to 1k logs without trying, i have no idea why so many people don't do it. Get to it you lazy ass rebelz! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. If bot's didn't exist, things would cost more. This would be good for all you skillers out there, but i hate skilling. However, when i HAVE to skill, for a quest i need, i would much rather the materials i buy be cheaper. For this, i say - Thank You Bots! -- Whats cool is, people will always complain, we the English would probably never interact with eachother if it was not for a common complaint about the weather, government, the increase in the price of shoelaces, the declining useage of swiss roll with jam in the modern workplace, etc. It is as you say, if they fix bots, im sure the world would find something else to be angry about, i personally would have to complain about the casting emote for the Fertile Soil spell.
  6. Grats man.It's good to see more events being planned, and reflection's being made.I would have come, but i was rocking this shizzum out of the enemies base with my Pokeballs and Shotgun, with Magnum ammo and .12 Slugs.You know how it is.I was however a little lonely, and found that when i died, i had no medic to save me. I was sadfaic.
  7. I can't bring myself to listen to Dubstep.However, i do not doubt it is a rather spiffing song,--Make something with a "The Thrill's Esq" theme and im all ears my good buddy.
  8. Haha Blake, i gave you at least 3m .. so ha! I gave 1.5m to Henry "iforgotherestofhisname" and havent seen him around, which is kinda funny.
  9. I think over 70 construction is a waste, there is loads of useful stuff up until 70. I do enjoy a good waste of money though. I gave 1.5m toa newbie who i havent seen play in months.
  10. With all the new updates that happen, new skills overtake old ones. However i do believe that its good for skills to be outdated; its how rs will evolve in the future, and why it is each week that we recieve an update. Xxx
  11. Fishing a full bank of rocktails, woodcutting down a magic tree with the inferno adze,then making a fire with said logs and a tinderbox, then cooking a full inventory of rocktail's on said fire is better than fletching an inventory full of mage longbows worth max 1.5kgp, and not even equipping one because rune crossbow/darts/knives are better/The Unfeltchabble Dark Bow
  12. Why has nobody mentioned fletching?It has never been better in anybodies life to go out, cut a magic log, teleport, pick flax, spin flax, make a magic shortbow and then string it.
  13. Let's be honest - i don't level my own skills, nevermind "someone elses".Sorry.However, i am a very very smart, funny and vital member of TRR - so i am let off.I think.
  14. Need a fake pic that i can post each week to say i have completed my tasks in the citadel.Thanks.
  15. I wanna do him.Half of my Harddrive is doodles of him.The other half is doodles of Kaiden.The other half is doodles of crazycowThe other half is doodles of thomas the tank engine.
  16. Drunken, you are wearing full rune .. and have a maple short, but no hides? I don't get it.
  17. Makes sense to me, in a way.You know you are losing the cost of the alch, and thats it.Its a good way to steadily know how much you are losing. Which i can half understand.--Not like the days when i could buy all the ingredients for yew/mage longbows, make em, and then turn over a quick 90-100k profit. WOOOOOOOOT.
  18. BUT KAI IS TEH SMELLYYYYY¬!!!!!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations.
  19. Bumholes are not technically a body part - as a hole doesn't really exist. Technically.

  20. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  21. Its not THAT bad.It's half cool, actually.I'll play if im on sometime.
  22. Since nobody else is going to say it - i will.Good luck guys .. when only one of the two of you are on, i would gladly fill in .. as long as you tell me wtf to wear/do.:-P
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