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Everything posted by .:Spoogan:.

  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/03/12/why-north-korea-loves-to-threaten-world-war-iii-but-probably-wont-follow-through/ http://imgur.com/gallery/ALw2UvY
  2. Surprise, surprise... http://www.voanews.com/content/north-korea-rejects-un-sanctions/1618313.html
  3. I tried it... Meh... the devs have a lot to do before i would consider it a "finished" game. Shows some promise thou. But it is still only a BETA, so we shall see.
  4. Maybe it will be enough to force them to rethink their "strategy." i only put it in quotations because they really don't have one...
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/08/world/asia/north-korea-warns-of-pre-emptive-nuclear-attack.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0 Option 2 is slowly becoming real.
  6. Which countries would join them? China wouldn't risk it's biggest trading partner. The only country i can think of is Iran.. only because it would give them a reason to attack Israel.
  7. Lets just hope Blue Speed isn't deployed on the NK-SK border. It will be a shit show there. I don't think anything else will occur anywhere else as their Missiles barely get off the ground. Maybe they will attempt to launch a "satellite" and it will malfunction over their capital and take care of themselves.
  8. I don't think China will be a problem as the US is one of/the largest trader in commerce with them. Iran on the other hand is almost as unpredictable as North Korea
  9. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/02/27/as-dennis-rodman-visits-north-korea-pledges-bitter-hatred-for-the-u-s/ A new threat.. again
  10. tacobell employees just got into a fight over whose life was harder...

  11. I would have to say what ever is in game now, probably won't change drastically. Unless there is a major-game breaking glitch with something, so i wouldn't expect anything to change. You just need to bask in Skyrim's glory for what it is, each game has its own flaws and perks.
  12. Which parts are you talking about? and what do you think could be improved?
  13. maybe people who are active all get 1? play together
  14. All i usually play on pc is minecraft or planetside 2
  15. notice how not a single fuck was given? I guess some radical Russian group is trying to convince people that it was a new type of US weaponry.
  16. If this becomes serious i may think about buying it.. I think there is no doubt that my computer could run it
  17. You must also take notice that you will not have your current character. You will have to start anew.. I personally think, if the vote does make it, the servers will go bust. I would only want the 07 servers so i could play on my current beloved account. Not start a freaking noob account . Also they might as well burn a bucket full of money if they think they are going to charge more just so you can use a server you have to restart on.
  18. I've been active on and off during the life of this clan. However majority of the time it was David controlling my account.
  19. most of yuo prolly dont like the series as i already know. where do you get such info? from what i know most : haven't played it, unsure, or like it.
  20. I haven't noticed any lag. Going along with Blake's idea of having it scroll
  21. Yea i was thinking it would be at least someone of a high school level not a middle school student
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